The Universe is 13.8 billion years old, 46.5 light years around.
The Universe is 13.8 billion years old and 46.5 light years in circumference.

New Left is associated with liberal, radical, Marxist movements.
The whole of society shapes what is politically possible for each of us, so any discussion of politics must attend to society as a whole. The New Left believes in total federal government control.

China and India will become cesspools of industrial pollution.
China is on the road to global domination, but they won't get that far. Food scarcity and exotic viruses will stop China in their tracks. Half of the Chinse will be gone, one way or another. Wars and rumors of war will swirl around the globe. China and India will...

The Age of Enlightenment was over by the early eighteen hundreds.
Today’s culture proves that the Enlightenment didn’t stick around. Socialism and Communism are both controlled by a deplorable vanguard of elites.

The Battle of Tippecanoe helped drive Americans to war in 1812.
Sept. 1813, The Battle of Lake Erie. January 8, 1815: The Battle of New Orleans was a battle to gain control of the port of New Orleans.

The door you can not find is open wide, frozen in your mind.
Existence precedes essence. Your persona is your mask. All that you are unaware of is hiding in your subconscious mind.

The Byron and Binkie mission of taking out the USA’s middle class
Four more years of Joe’s crime syndicate and America will be beautiful again.
The Persians are coming back with a vengeance this time. In this day and age, you can’t kill them all to get the right ones.

The Ottoman Empire is gone, but their terrorists grow strong.
We opened up our borders to allow all of the bomb-making terrorists to come in.
The Ottoman Empire began at the end of the 13th century with raids from Turkic warriors.

Faith is upstream from morality, most of the time.
Camus and Sartre were the hot literary duo in the 1960s. They both did some excellent work for a while.

The absurdity of life wasn’t meant to produce a satisfied mind.
The absurdity of life wasn’t meant to produce a satisfied mind. Everything is likely, and certainty is nowhere to be found. Evolutionary Marxism is the antidote for capitalistic repression—cultural evolution will successfully revolutionize and abolish capitalism.