• Every symmetry of physics laws leads to a conservation law, and every conservation law arises from a symmetry in the laws of physics. 
    • Symmetry is the casual structure built into the creation module.  The creation module has a two-way arrow of time that is built into it.  All current information is always passed back into the versatile storage unit.  These informational totals can’t be changed or deleted.
    • The closed sub-atomic quantum system is a duplicate of the macro quantum system.  The two systems interact binary.
  • The triune combined functions of consciousness, quantum gravity, and quantum entanglement act as one from the underside of the fabric of space-time.
    • Believe it or not, this long, luminous streak, speckled with bright blisters and pockets of material, is a spiral galaxy like our Milky Way. But how could that be?  It turns out that we see this galaxy, named NGC 3432, orientated directly edge-on to us from our vantage point here on Earth. The galaxy’s spiral arms and bright core are hidden, and we instead see the thin strip of its very outer reaches. Dark bands of cosmic dust, patches of varying brightness, and pink regions of star formation help with making out the true shape of NGC 3432 — but it’s still somewhat of a challenge! Because observatories such as the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have seen spiral galaxies at every kind of orientation, astronomers can tell when we have caught one from the side.  The galaxy is in the constellation of Leo Minor (The Lesser Lion). Other telescopes that have had NGC 3432 in their sights include those of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS).

  • www.vernbender.com
    • Symmetry is the causal structure built into the creation module.  The creation module has a two-way arrow of time that is built into it.  They always passed all current information back into the versatile storage unit.  These informational totals can’t be changed or deleted.
    • The closed subatomic quantum system is a duplicate of the macro quantum system.  The two systems interact on a binary basis.
  • www.vernbender.com
    • Symmetry is the causal structure built into the creation module.  The creation module has a two-way arrow of time that is built into it.  All current information is always passed back into the versatile storage unit.  These informational totals can’t be changed or deleted.
    • The closed subatomic quantum system is a duplicate of the macro quantum system.  The two systems interact on a binary basis.
  • The universe is 5 percent mass, and 95 percent unseen dark energy and dark matter.
  • When galaxies collide, it causes vast clouds of hydrogen to collect and become compressed, which can trigger a series of gravitational collapses.
  • A galaxy collision also causes a galaxy to age prematurely, since much of its gas is converted into stars.
  • Elliptical galaxies, which converted most of their gas into stars long ago.  They resemble distorted footballs.
  • Spiral galaxies, including our own Milky Way, account for two-thirds of the known galaxies in the universe.  These galaxies have central bulges of old stars, just like an elliptical, but their cores are surrounded by disc’s containing slender, spiral arms still aglow with newborn stars.
  • Our nearest spiral neighbor, Andromeda, resembles a Frisbee with a fried egg at its center.
  • The 3rd type is irregular galaxies, which are plodders, that make stars at the same slow rate from the start.
  • Galaxy collisions are ongoing.
  • Our Milky Way galaxy will merge with our neighboring Andromeda galaxy, now hurtling toward us at 300,000 MPH.  It will happen in several billion years.
  • The first galaxies formed in the densest regions of the universe, which correspond on average with the densest regions of the universe today.
  • Lower density areas give birth to stars next.
  • Mass-energy curves space-time.
  • Light follows curved space-time.
  • Gravity is a force acting between masses.