Supersymmetry is a hypothesized doubling of nature’s elementary particles. The Higgs depends upon all interactions to be dialed to just the right amounts of positive and negative charges to cancel each other out. The aim is to determine if supersymmetry is...
If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection. Simple premises are the fundamental theories of physics. Some laws of physics can be axiomatized; some cannot. The axiomatic method...
Science does not evolve gradually toward truth. Its paradigm remains constant before undergoing a paradigm shift when current theories can’t explain some phenomenon. Now is the time to add a fundamental level to physics. Science must move beyond theories based...
Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. Every function of physics works in this manner. Consciousness integrates observed events with memory to create an awareness of the scene. It is a subjective sensory consciousness of...
Chaos is too complex to be modeled. Chaotic processes can become deterministic but not necessarily helpful. Randomness is chaotic, by definition. Inexplicable random events? Are random events one-offs or part of a process? A random process is a sequence of random...