• Magnetic Resonance explained
  • If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
  • Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection.
  • Since the big bang, matter and energy have been involved in a continuous cycle. Additionally, there is dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter and dark energy are defined as magnetic matter and magnetic energy. The two fundamental processes in nature are between dark matter and dark energy and known matter and known energy. Both cycles are binary interactives. All visible matter and dark matter are triune-based. Ditto for the binary energies. This results in all things being triune with binary interactives.
  • Universe | Free Full-Text | Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics Constraints on the High Density Matter Equation of State | HTML
  • The shell is the same for the two binary interacting double cores. The magnetic matter is formed by two mirror dipoles,1 and 2. Each dipole has two reciprocal sides. The shell consists of three types of dark matter that interact. One matter has a north pole, the second matter has a south pole, and the third matter is neutral. All things are triune, with binary interactives.

  • Researchers find unexpected magnetic effect | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • There is a binary interactive for the external development of magnetic matter. The first manifestation is a spectrum of magnetic waves. The second manifestation is the external development of magnetic materials. The first magnet is converted into three new magnetic materials. Magnetic matter and magnetic energy are connected in nature. Magnetic energy creates conditions for change in the Universe. The movement of planets, gravity, and time result from magnetic energy in the Universe.
  • Along with gravity, magnetism is responsible for shaping and controlling what we can observe. Wherever we look in the Universe, at stars, nebulae, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and the space between galaxies, we find magnetism. This magnetism is generated by the presence and motion of electrically charged particles. Magnetic fields are due to the relative velocity of charged particles. Magnetic fields create a force on moving charged particles orthogonal to their momentum and the field. The moving of charged particles does not exclusively design a magnetic field. An electric field can be made by changing the magnetic field. A fast-changing electric field can create a magnetic field.
  • In nature, there are twenty-four different quantitative and qualitatively magnetic forces.
  • Quantum field theory: quantum physics in a bad mood | BBC Science Focus Magazine
  • A changing magnetic field produces an electric field; a changing electric field produces a magnetic field. When an external magnetic field is applied, all protons align with the field. All protons assume a random orientation. Time-changing electric fields can induce magnetic fields. Time-changing magnetic fields can generate electric fields.
  • Charged particles experience forces when exposed to electric fields. Fields aren’t attracted to other fields. As the charge and current configuration changes, the fields change.
  • If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
  • Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection.