• Maverick Philosopher: Time and Change
  • All things are triune, with binary interactives.
  • Determinism is based on a metaphysical illusion; time flows, giving rise to unpredictable events. The future is open. 
  • Quantum theory is non-deterministic, and it has been experimentally verified. Spooky action at a distance is real. One object instantaneously does affect another thing far away. This has become a cornerstone of quantum physics. The historical has been: “Are there any hidden variables?” If there are any, they are unknown unknowns for a long time.
  • Determinism and eternalism are both waiting for a future to happen. The distinction between past, present, and future is a persistent illusion of a trinity. Three are one,  invariantly interacting as one is three.
  • The massive particles that make up our bodies are always moving at the speed of light, but they are constantly bumping into particles of the Higgs field. This slows things down. What you perceive something to be and what it is are two different things. Remember, you only see the stage that fronts you. The scene on the back side is beyond your senses. The current moment you are experiencing is completely isolated from the last moment you just had—the sliding window of the present specious tricks up your mind.
  • What cannot be explained by classical physics? - Quora
  • Chaotic systems produce true randomness in practice, even though they are entirely predictable in theory. Random systems change states on an apparent scattered basis. A system is deterministic when it starts in one state; then, at a later time, it transforms into another state on a pre-determined basis. Quantum systems behave randomly only when randomness is required.
  • According to physics, all physical activity is quantum unless it’s general relativity. But we don’t know how to put them together. Not everything in quantum mechanics is random. Bounded randomness creates aggregate certainty. Chaos is entirely deterministic, or is it probabilistic? Or is it close to deterministic but not wholly? The science is confused. Systems can be chaotic but not necessarily random.
  • General relativity is a classical theory. Quantum field theory is not continuous. Science has been unable to turn gravity itself into a quantum field theory. Renormalization is a dead end. The need is for a more fundamental theory. The fundamental level of physics is entirely missing.
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