MANUSCRIPT #5 Hubble Tension Headache: Clashing Measurements Make the Universe's Expansion a Lingering Mystery
  • The expansion rate of the universe is under question. Dark energy speeds up the rate of expansion of the universe. This causes the Hubble constant to change more rapidly than expected with increasing distance from earth.
  • Dark energy comprises about two-thirds of the mass and energy in the universe, and we don’t understand it.
  • We need to understand the scale of the universe, but we are still guessing. The Hubble constant is still under review. The problem lies in validating the distance of far-away galaxies. The standard laddering up measurements out to greater distances work until you misjudge one rung going up. (parallax or luminosity). Variable stars, then type IA supernovae measurements take over after that. Surface brightness fluctuations are also a factor to be considered.
  • Does Dark Energy Change Over Time? - Sky & Telescope - Sky & Telescope
  • The Hubble tension comes in when the cosmic microwave background measuring system comes up with different answers. As space expands, dark energy will increase with it and maintain the same density, instead of diluting out. Maybe. To be determined. More data will solve this mystery.
  • The construction theory of quantum mechanics is a deterministic constructor theory of information. Physical transformations occur at the quantum level. The fundamental level of physics moves the randomness of the quantum level to the deterministic classic level of physics. It changes the mode of information from random to deterministic. The transformations as input-output in pairs of attributes. It constructs the building blocks of reality in this manner.
  • All things are triune, with binary inter-actives.