• A triune-driven universe starts with the Trinity’s three in one.
  • The three levels of physics are (FQC):
  • The first level of physics is the fundamental one. It is the informational blueprint for the universe. It has encoded instructions for the operation of the universe. This operational blueprint is the binary code that generates mass, energy, and space-time. The quantum level gets its marching orders from this informational level.
  • The second level of physics is the quantum one. It is a derivative of the fundamental level. (Quantum physics underlies how atoms work, and why chemistry and biology work as they do). Information at the quantum level is always conserved.
  • The third level of physics is the classical level. It is a derivative of the quantum level. (Classical physics builds and operates the universe via energy, mass, and motion). Information on the classic level can be copied and/or deleted only.
  • The physics information at the classic level generates and enforces causality.
  • Simplicity is sometimes elusive, but almost always present. We should not assume plurality without necessity.
  • A bit, or binary digit, can have a value of either 0 or 1. A Qubit can have a value that is 0, 1, or a quantum superposition of 0 and 1. We cannot measure the position and the velocity of a quantum object.