• An event that begins to exist has a cause.
  • The current event has caused the universe to begin.
  • This universe has a First Cause.
  • An event cause that has to be outside of the universe
  • An event that is capable of generating all the matter and energy within the universe.
  • An event can generate all the order we see inherent within the universe (more on this coming up).
  • A set of material causes can’t accomplish a universe.
  • . The need for such a powerful and intelligent first cause strongly suggests a purposeful design behind the origin of the universe.
Universal Essences - Divine Empowerment
  • The finely tuned laws and constants of the universe are an example of specified complexity in nature.
  • The Big Bang was a finely tuned expansion event.  All the matter and energy in the universe were expanding from an unimaginably high energy state. The natural laws that the Event Originator installed were designed to produce a habitable universe.
  • If the strong nuclear force were slightly more powerful, then there would be no hydrogen, an essential element of life. If it were slightly weaker, then hydrogen would be the only element in existence.
  • If the weak nuclear force were slightly different, then either there would not be enough helium to generate heavy elements in stars, or stars would burn out too quickly, and supernova explosions could not scatter heavy elements across the universe.
  • If the electromagnetic force were slightly stronger or weaker, atomic bonds, and thus complex molecules, could not form.
  • If the value of the gravitational constant were slightly larger, stars would become too hot and burn out too quickly. If the gravitational constant were more minor, stars would never burn at all, and heavy elements would not be produced.
  •  The initial entropy of the universe shows an astounding degree of fine-tuning.
  • NASA’s Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite indicated that the universe was filled with radiation having the exact properties predicted by the Big Bang theory.  Detection of the cosmic microwave background is a principal reason astronomers accept the Big Bang as the correct cosmological theory.
  • The origin of life requires a massive infusion of information.  Randomness doesn’t do information. Organisms come from organisms because organisms possess information-rich macromolecules and a complex information-rich system for processing and replicating the information stored in those molecules.  Randomness didn’t do that.
  •  The origin of information-rich systems either arises from preexisting information systems via a mechanism of replication or information-rich systems are put in place by an Event Originator. Both systems arise from an Intelligent Designer.  DNA and proteins comprise two features: complexity and functional specificity.  Randomness can’t do either one in a trillion years.
  • What Is Intelligent Design Theory?
  • Materialistic theories have proven universally inadequate for explaining the origin of functional, let alone complex information.  An Event Originator, not randomness, is the causal power that can produce the information systems that can create life.
  • Debate on Intelligent Design: Dr. Michael Behe and Dr. Joshua Swamidass - Chronicles of Strength