• The Younger Dryas (YD) was a period of extreme climate change around 12,900–11,700 years ago. The Younger Dryas (YD) was a period of extreme climate change around 12,900–11,700 years ago. Younger Dryas: at the end of the Pleistocene era, 12,800 years ago, cosmic impacts triggered an abrupt cooling episode that earth scientists call the Younger Dryas.
  • An international group of investigators has narrowed the date to a 100-year range, sometime between 12,835 and 12,735 years ago. The researchers used Bayesian statistical analyses of 354 dates taken from 30 sites.
  • This range overlaps with a platinum peak recorded in the Greenland ice sheet and of the onset of the Younger Dryas climate episode in six independent key records.
  • For the primary impact theory to be possible, the YDB layer shows to be the same age globally.
  • The era’s dates have been scientifically validated, from California and from Venezuela to Canada. Two California sites are on the Channel Islands off Santa Barbara.
  • Radiocarbon dating was used to determine the date ranges for each site. The researchers also examined six independently derived age data instances that used other dating methods.
  • Two core studies taken from the Greenland ice sheet revealed an anomalous platinum layer, a marker for the YDB. An analysis of tree rings in Germany also showed evidence of the YDB, as did freshwater and marine varves, the annual laminations that occur in bodies of water. Even stalagmites in China displayed signs of abrupt climate change around the time of the Younger Dryas cooling event. The records suggest a causal connection between the YDB cosmic impact event and the Younger Dryas cooling event that caused this anomalous and enigmatic cooling.
  • The Younger Dryas onset was not fully synchronized; in the tropics, the cooling was spread out over several centuries, and the same was true of the early-Holocene warming.[1] Even in the Northern Hemisphere, temperature change was highly seasonal, with much colder winters and springs, yet no change or even slight warming during the summer.[6][7] Substantial changes in precipitation also occurred, with cooler areas experiencing substantially lower rainfall while warmer areas received more of it.
  • The Moon is Earth’s only satellite. It orbits at an average distance of 384,400 km, about 30 times the diameter of Earth. Tidal forces between Earth and the Moon have synchronized the Moon’s orbital Moon’s rotation period at 29.5 Earth days, causing the same side of the Moon to always face Earth. Wikipedia
  • Characteristics of the Earth-Moon system:
  • The Moon and Earth exert strong gravitational influence on each other, forming a system with distinct properties and behaviors.
  • The two bodies orbit each other. The barycenter, rather than the center of Earth, follows an elliptical path around the sun per Kepler’s laws and Kepler’s stay in motion. The distance between the Moon and Earth varies rather widely because of the combined gravity of Earth, the Sun, and the planets. It orbits nearer Earth and slower in the part farther away.
  • Every highland region is heavily cratered—evidence for repeated collisions with large bodies.
  • The survival of similar large-impact structures on Earth is relatively rare because of Earth’s geology and weathering. Activity has occurred on the Moon, but the results are mostly quite different from those on Earth. Huge basins scar the ancient far-side highlands, but these basins are not filled with lava.
  • On a small-to-microscopic scale, the properties of the lunar surface are governed by a combination of phenomena—impact effects the arrival, at accelerations of tens of kilometers per second, of meteoritic material ranging in size down to fractions of a micrometer; bombardment by solar wind, cosmic rays, and solar flare particles; ionizing radiation; and temperature extremes.
  • The materials formed by these minerals are classified into four main groups: volcanism; the rocks forming the marina; pristine highland rocks uncontaminated by impact mixing, breccias, and impact melts, formed by impacts that disassembled and reassembled mixtures of rocks and soils, defined as unconsolidated aggregates of particles less than 1 cm (0.4 inches) in size, derived from all the rock types. All these materials are of igneous origin, but their melting and crystallization history is complex.
  • The lunar crust is the product of differentiation in an ancient magma ocean. It is somewhat supported by compositional data, which shows that lightweight rocks containing such minerals as plagioclase rose. In contrast, denser materials, such as pyroxene and olivine, sank to become the source regions for the later radioactive heating episode that resulted in the outflows of mare basalts. Whether there ever was a uniform global ocean of molten rock, the Moon’s history of much heating in a complex series of events would have driven off volatiles (if any were present) and erased the record of earlier mineral compositions. Moon Moon is a body in which, given its small size, all heat-driven internal processes have run down. With the rise of scientific inquiry in the Renaissance, investigators attempted to fit theories on the origin of the Moon into theory, and the question of the Moon’s format was a part of the attempt to explain the observed properties of the solar system. At first, the approach was founded mainly on a mathematical examination of the dynamics of the Earth-Moon system. Rigorous and careful observations over 200 years gradually revealed that the moon is the moon and the Earth because of tidal effects, and the moon is the moon from Earth. Studies then considered the system’s status. The moon was closer to Earth. Throughout the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, the solar wind implanted hydrogen, helium, and other elements in the surfaces of fine lunar soil grains. Though their amounts are small—about 100 parts per million in the soil—they may someday be a resource. They are quickly released by moderate heating, but large volumes of soil must be processed to contain valuable amounts of the desired materials. Helium-3, a helium isotope rare on Earth and deposited on the Moon Moon by the solar wind, has been proposed as a fuel for

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