The 3 pillars are: United Nations, Human Rights, & Brenton Woods.

The 3 pillars are: United Nations, Human Rights, & Brenton Woods.

20% think, and 80% do the following. In the last decade, white people have endured stagnation and decline. In the Stae-Corporate complex, you are either on the program or out. When public opinion is at odds with public policy, policy wins. A small group of people...
The absurdity of life wasn’t meant to produce a satisfied mind.

The absurdity of life wasn’t meant to produce a satisfied mind.

Everything is likely, and certainty is nowhere to be found. Absurdism is everywhere. Purposeful and meaningful living is not around. Despair not; the Universe has no care or concern for you. Be here now, and never go elsewhere. The absurdity of life wasn’t meant...
The human mind is the operating system of the human entity.

The human mind is the operating system of the human entity.

The world is in a hot mess. The Devil appears to be winning, but it ain’t over till it’s over. Yogi Berra said that. Persevise and apprehensive darkness envelop all. Relentless lonely days and sleepless nights accompany all of them. As always, some people...
Academia has taught students to rage against their existence.

Academia has taught students to rage against their existence.

 The New Left is trying to steal America, you see. Stealth and lies are their weapons of choice. The hatred of war and genocide is always around. People can’t get along. The New Left’s media cohorts get the message out for them. These New Left media...
The Evolutionary-Iterative binary process builds out life-forms.

The Evolutionary-Iterative binary process builds out life-forms.

ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE, WITH BINARY INTERACTIVES. Four hundred sixty-nine million years ago, in the Ordovician Period, the Earth’s seas were inhabited by animals like trilobites, conodonts (eel-like vertebrates), and brachiopods. An asteroid(s) hit the Earth....