• 20% think, and 80% do the following. In the last decade, white people have endured stagnation and decline. In the Stae-Corporate complex, you are either on the program or out. When public opinion is at odds with public policy, policy wins. A small group of people frame the issues and then manufacture the consent to make it work.
  • Power doesn’t like to be undermined. The media creates self-deception. Control by the state comes about from propaganda and force. Habits become instincts. After World War II, three policy pillars were put in place: The United Nations, Human Rights, and Brenton Woods, which established a system of payments based on the dollar, which defined all currencies about the dollar, itself convertible into gold.
  • The rich and powerful always decide the critical issues. The rest get less or less. Disposal and extra people are the elite’s cannon fodder when need be. Their existence is pointless to the elites. After the Cold War, Eastern European countries went back to being poor. Quiet desperation was back in style. Mostly, African and South American countries have always been poor but rich in natural resources. Free trade agreements with them aren’t free, fair, or accepted by them. The Northern Hemisphere contractual side wins almost all of the time. The South dimly understands the right to choose.
  • The rich and powerful gather to admire each other. Business takes the government’s place; the rich and powerful decide who gets what. They also determine which politicians to buy. These rich and powerful forces direct your attitudes, beliefs, and opinions.
  • You don’t know what is happening here, do you, Mr. Jones?