THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING IS: “ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE WITH BINARY INTERACTIVES.” A triune-driven universe starts with the Trinity’s three in one. The three levels of physics are (FQC): The first level of physics is the fundamental one. It is the informational blueprint...
Time and space are not fundamental, they are emergent. Decoding the fundamental symmetries of space and time reveals what lies within. Fundamental symmetries have exposed the patterns tucked inside each symmetry. NOTE: Time cannot exist without space, and the...
“Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing.” — Oscar Wilde. Simplicity is sometimes elusive, but almost always present. “We should not assume plurality without necessity.” (William of Ockham). “Nature is pleased with...
QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT has no hidden variables: there is no deeper deterministic reality in quantum mechanics. It is what it is. Quantum mechanics permit instantaneous connections between far-apart locations. The locality of everything has given way to non-locality for...
The materialistic and reductionistic scientific worldview is yielding to a novel scientific conception of subjective consciousness and objective reality. The doors of perception can deliver a version of reality or a version of delusion, free to choose, kinda. As your...