• Perspectives on Directions and Priorities for Future Preclinical Studies in Regenerative Medicine | Circulation Research
  • Random design of life: To randomize something into life, you just keep rolling the dice until the formula for life pops up. What is it that escapes your understanding?
  • What are some examples explaining the second law of thermodynamics? - Quora
  • Thermodynamic laws place fundamental limits on the efficiency and fitness of living systems. To maintain cellular order and perform essential biological functions such as sensing, signaling, replication or locomotion, organisms consume energy and dissipate heat. In doing so, they increase the entropy of their environment, in agreement with the second law of thermodynamics.
  • Does the theory of evolution contradict the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the universe and all its systems are progressively moving toward disorder or entropy? - Quora
  • Even thinking increases entropy, because the brain, running on energy, is sending electrical impulses and neurotransmitters along neurons and synapses.
  •  Work requires energy; energy necessarily increases entropy. Your cell machinery’s design did not come about randomly.
  • Two conserved processes express the genetic information of all organisms. First, DNA is transcribed into a messenger RNA (mRNA) by the multisubunit enzyme RNA polymerase (RNAP). Second, the mRNA directs protein synthesis, when the ribosome translates its nucleotide sequence to amino acids using the genetic code. Because these two processes are so fundamental, a multitude of regulatory processes have been developed to regulate them. Most examples involve regulation of either transcription or translation. A complex and intricate regulatory process in which each other concurrently regulated transcription and translation accomplished this.
  • Cardiac regeneration: current therapies—future concepts - Doppler - Journal of Thoracic Disease
  • Tiny, sub-microscopic engines – assemblies of protein molecules that can exert a mechanical force in a specific direction drove recent advances in biology show.
  • Randomness can’t build cell machinery, install processes, nor systems that regulate cell processes.
  • Pin on lol
  • The complexity of the cell structure and its machinery is off the charts.  All cells have a cytoskeleton, but usually, the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells is meant when discussing the cytoskeleton. Eukaryotic cells are complex cells that have a nucleus and organelles. Three major types of filaments make up the cytoskeleton: actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments.
  • ribosome is a cellular particle made of RNA and protein that serves as the site for protein synthesis in the cell. The ribosome reads the sequence of the messenger RNA (mRNA) and, using the genetic code, translates the sequence of RNA bases into a sequence of amino acids.
  • The cytoskeleton is responsible for contraction, cell motility, movement of organelles and vesicles through the cytoplasm, cytokinesis, establishment of the intracellular organization of the cytoplasm, establishment of cell polarity, and many other functions that are essential for cellular homeostasis and survival.
  • We can think a cell of as a factory, with different departments each performing specialized tasks. A cell’s plasma membrane regulates what enters or leaves the cell. The cytoplasm is like the factory floor where most of the products are assembled, finished, and shipped.
  • Pin on Chapter 3: Cellular Form and Function
  • Cells contain biological engines called mitochondria that convert food into energy the body can use. Healthy mitochondria utilize a complex system of vitamins, minerals, essential lipids, electrolytes, amino acids, antioxidants to function properly.  RANDOM MUTATIONS CAN’T RUN A ONE-CAR FUNERAL.
  • Biologists have known for decades that cells use tiny molecular motors to move chromosomes, mitochondria, and many other organelles within the cell, but no one has understood what steers these engines to their destinations. Intracellular transport is crucial to a cell’s health.
  • Do you really think that the build-out of cell machinery happened with a random process?   
  • MIUI Resources Team] Personal computers are getting really personal! - Chat - Mi Community - Xiaomi
  • When you die, and before they lay you to rest, or burn you up, your computer, with its memory bank, immediately goes up to the Spirit in the sky. If you want to stay in the place that is best, you’ve got to pass the entrance test. Life’s choices have always been up to you. You can’t go back again. You get in, or you get checked out. It always has been up to you.