• Science started as a Christian embracing entity. Beginning with Newton, Faraday, Schrödinger, Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei,  Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Joseph Priestley, Gregor Mendel, Joseph Lister, the list goes on.
  • Modern science started in lockstep with Christianity. First, in the mid-1800s, Draper and White wrote books on the warfare between science and Christendom.
  • Their over-simplified and distorted Christian theology war machine was very successful.  The expansive intellectual forces of the sciences were far superior to the superstitions of Christianity.  They were hugely successful as popularizers and proselytizers.  They had standing, and they had power.  They were academics, so they converted the teachers of advanced studies.  The die was cast. Science and the education systems divorced themselves from religious thought and endeavored to worship at the altar of science.  A little later, Darwin came along and sealed the deal.  The devil had won the battle because Christianity wanted to nice everybody to death.  The battle was over, but the war goes on.
  • God is dead, long live reason, kicked off in the mid-1800s with John William Draper and Andrew Dixon White.
  • White wrote: The History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom.  White had little formal education. That didn’t stop him from becoming the 1st President of Cornell University.  (He bought his way in.)  
  • Draper wrote: The Conflict Between Religion and Science.  He popularised the conflict thesis, which proposed that the relationship between religion and science had to be severed. The book went through fifty printings in the United States alone and was translated into ten languages. The book was a  screed against Roman Catholics.
  • These two men were hugely successful popularizers and proselytizers. They sold the idea that science was for the educated elites and that religion was for idiots and fools. Science is not a mere record of isolated discoveries; it is a narrative of the conflict of two contending powers, the expansive force of the
  • In 1859, Charles Darwin Published On the Origin of Species, Proposing Continual Evolution of Species.  His five theories were: (1) evolution, (2) common descent, (3) gradualism, (4) multiplication of species, (5) natural selection.
  • Science divorced Christianity and worshipped materialism with its theory of biological evolution. All species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of slight, inherited variations that increase the individual’s ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. God had not created the universe; the Big Bang and random natural selection had birthed life on earth through trial and error. Life had sprung out of a primordial soup. God is a fairy tale. It limited belief in the existence of God too low IQ people, the uneducated, borderline illiterates, and the unwashed masses who are superstitious.  
  • As Karl Marx said, Religion is the opiate of the masses. Scientists immediately bought into this narrative with a righteous vengeance. The stupidity of religious thought disgusted and appalled them.
  • The Devil took over the narrative at that point and has held the scientific community captive in chains ever since. 
  • The Devil’s three big lies are: 
  • 1st, He doesn’t exist. 2nd, God is dead. 3rd, Randomness brought forth life on this planet.
  • For over one hundred years, scientists, mostly, have been missionaries for the Devil. They have been addicted to the opiate supplied by the devil.
  • Within three decades, the Devil tore down Christianity among the most educated and elite across the globe Note: When Lucifer retreated from Heaven, his third hosts mainly were officers, and it primarily left God the non-officers. So those of us who get to go on are the replacement crew.