• Doing your best is the goal. Actualizing and unleashing your best is what’s next. It would be best if you acted, not contemplated. Devotion to selfless action is the requirement. Enlightenment begets salvation. Learning is in the eye of the beholder. A good attitude enhances the result. Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. Practice increasing mental efficiencies. Perceive the goals. Act as if it were, and it will be. Mitigate the negatives. Improve your non-verbal skills. Train your perception to be better. Increase your awareness. Know thyself, to yourself be true.
  • A large body of numbers can produce probability analysis. Insurance companies can make predictions better than fortune tellers can. Social regularities can’t be predicted. Individual destiny is outside of predictability. Regularities can be observed out of a body of large numbers.
  • We live within a body of molecules but think like a body of gases. Our molecules live in a social gas. Sleep resets the mind. Sleep is outside of space and time. Sleep is an escape and a recharge. Sleep keeps your sense of reality tuned up and your sanity in place. Half of our time is spent on location, outside of life. Your identity is lost when you sleep. Sleep is your escape from history and your life. Sleep provides tranquility, away from strife.
  • Few possess the gift of inner eye vision. Some people can see visionary worlds. They can slip into time’s otherworld. Intensive concentration can create participation in a creative space. The calmness of the mind is then put in place; external stimuli become isolated. The door to the other side opens wide. Blissful bright light experiences become many. Uncolored light glows within the void. Mystical visionary thoughts race through the mind. Geometric shapes, some colorful, some not, are flashing echoingly. A strange glow flares up and then subsides. This must be deep, they replied. Scary faces from untold places were staring out from the void—scenes from another place and another time kept moving by. These visionary experiences keep spilling into the external world. Transfiguration shows up. Glory fades away into the darkness of the night. Peace and love are transfigured into the world.
  • Visionary states can be induced with mind-changing drugs and poisons, but mostly unpleasant visions result. Opening the mind with drugs merely tears open the mind’s door to oblivion. Burden relief is only a shot away is a zero-sum game.
  • Change in the world has shifted into warp speed. Speed is reflected in the mirrors of your mind. Stained glass windows reflect the past—the drama and spectacle of the Glass Mountain are stuck in the past. The bells of Heaven won’t be ringing anytime soon. Knowledge and information are growing fast.