• Emptiness is not to be confused with nothingness. Emptiness is non-existence but not nothingness. Also, it is not non-reality. Emptiness means that an object, animate or inanimate, does not exist independently. True emptiness doesn’t exist. Positive and negative cancel out to zero. Paradoxically, form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. Emptiness is a mode of perception, a way of looking at experience. Scientific research has shown that the vacuum that permeates a significant portion of the Universe is more energy-dense than visible matter. It is not empty. From a naked-eye perspective, space contains nothing.
  •  Twenty-six fundamental constants combined to form the Universe’s physical laws—any slight deviation within one of those constants and no Universe formation. These finely-tuned twenty-six dimensionless constants combined to build out and maintain our Universe. These constants include particle masses, interaction strengths, cosmic speed limits, and even the fundamental properties of spacetime.
  •  Spacetime forms the ever-evolving stage on which the play of the cosmos unfolds, while the particles are the players. They can bind together, collide, annihilate, repel, attract, or otherwise interact according to the rules that govern the laws of nature.
  • We have discovered 26 Universe physical laws; a few more await discovery. The missing fundamental constants will provide us with the still missing solutions.
  • Here is a partial list of things we don’t understand:
  • 1. Baryogenesis.
  • 2. Cosmic Inflation.
  • 3. Dark Matter.
  • 4.   Dark Energy.
  •  5. Strong CP-Violation ( In the weak nuclear interactions).
  •  6. The problem of the matter-antimatter asymmetry.
  •   7. The laws of nature were fine-tuned and synchronized, beginning with the Big Bang because the Event Originator coded them.
  •   8. Quantum Gravity.
  •    9. The Nature of Time.
  •   10. How does the Higgs Boson fit into the overall picture of the Universe?
  •   11. The list goes on.
  •   12. A unified theory of everything will follow these discoveries.
  • We can only see three dimensions of the Universe’s four dimensions. Our perception can’t see the fourth dimension. The human brain cannot imagine something it has never been exposed to. Our brains are not hardwired to picture anything beyond three dimensions. 
  • We can describe the 4th dimension mathematically but never experience it in the physical realm. We are 3D objects that cast a 2D shadow.  Physics in the 4th dimension is influencing our 3D world. The 4th dimension D is an tesseract or hypercube. This is a cube within a cube.
  • You must see it to perceive it.
  • Take a cube and drag it into a dimension you can’t see. From your point of view, the two cubes would be in the same place.  The unseen 4th dimension cube is smaller. A competing theory is the 4th dimension is time., which you also can’t perceive. The answer is the box in an unseen box.
  • Black holes radiate until they are gone. The laws of physics predicted black holes first. They were not observed until later, and even then, only indirectly. The solution involves unifying the laws that govern black holes (general relativity) with those that govern microscopic particles (quantum mechanics). Black holes emit a type of energy called Hawking radiation. Over time, this escaping positive energy depletes them, causing them to evaporate.  As a black hole radiates, its mass decreases, emitting more and more radiation, causing it to evaporate more rapidly. Current technology isn’t sensitive enough to detect this evaporative effect.