• Workable coded information can’t be produced randomly. Randomness can’t read or write. Given enough time, a monkey can type out the Constitution of the United States. Humans overrate reading and writing.
  •  Biological function and the genetic code are interdependent from the start. The code is written to produce a result. No code, no part. Even oblivion needs a reason to exist. The waters of oblivion haven’t always been in existence. Even a destination needs a reason for being. Randomness is where logic goes to die.
  • Your genetic code contains the instructions needed for a gene to instruct a cell on how to build a specific protein. The genetic code is universal. Each codon (is a sequence of three nucleotides that form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule). The genetic code is redundant. The three-letter nature of codons means the four nucleotides found in mRNA can produce a total of 64 different combinations. Of these 64 codons, 61 represent amino acids, and the remaining three represent stop signals, which trigger the end of protein synthesis. This ends the translation. Ribosomes are the specialized cellular structures in which translation takes place. Ribosomes are the sites at which the genetic code is read by a cell. Ribosomes are composed of a complex of proteins and specialized RNA molecules. During translation, ribosomes move along an mRNA strand.
  • There are  20 different amino acids and 64 different codons. Some have combinations of them. Most amino acids are indicated by more than one codon. This mitigates the damaging effects and overlaps in the genetic code. All things are triune, with binary interactives. The Amino acid coding system is known as degenerate; this means that amino acid is coded by more than one triplet configuration. Redundancy in the genetic code means that most amino acids are specified by more than one mRNA codon.
  • All things are triune, with binary interactives.
  • The Information in DNA Determines Cellular Function via Translation | Learn Science at Scitable
  • For most proteins, translation is the first step in their life cycle. Some proteins are enzymes that catalyze biochemical reactions. Other proteins are involved in DNA replication. And Some polypeptide chains require additional molecules before they become finished proteins. The translation phase is usually a multi-step process.
  • When a protein is completed, it starts doing its assigned job.
  • Transcription and translation have three distinct phases: initiation, elongation, and termination. All three stages of translation involve the ribosome.
  • All things are triune, with binary interactives.
  • Translation (Protein Synthesis) Study Guide | Inspirit
  • Protein synthesis is the process a body’s cells use to create protein.
  •  RNA polymerase unwinds the DNA double helix. (replication).
  • Copies of the original DNA are made. (replication).
  • tRNA brings amino acids to the ribosome. (translation).
  •  Peptide bonds form between two amino acids. (translation).
  •  A copy of RNA is made from DNA. (transcription).
  •  Uracil hydrogen bonds with adenine. (transcription).
  • A copy of RNA is made from DNA. (transcription).
  • Amino acid sequences are made from RNA sequences. (translation).