• When we formulate the laws of nature, the conservation laws of the universe are taken into consideration.  Every differentiable symmetry on a physical system’s action has a corresponding conservation law; you get conserved quantities from nature’s laws’ symmetries.  This does not allow us to pull true, physically significant conclusions out of a mathematical hat.  Knock it off if you want to find the truth that will set you free.
  • If you want to know if a certain symmetry holds in nature, you need a lavatory or a telescope, not a blackboard.  You can’t permanently hide behind your math.  Axioms of physics aren’t always what they appear to be.  The same goes for your assumptions.  Overlooked assumptions lead to aborted theories.
  • Contradictory principles beget contradictory predictions.  The universe is not perfectly symmetrical. Intelligent life requires a measure of asymmetry.  You can’t grow complexity in perfect homogeneity and isotropy.  That dog won’t hunt.  The early universe conditions must violate baryon numbers conservation to provide a life-forming environment.  Charge symmetry and charge-parity symmetry must spend some time out of thermal equilibrium.  Supersymmetry, also, must be a broken symmetry in any life-permitting universe.  The bosonic partner of the electron, the selection, would make chemistry impossible.  It is an asymmetry that creates phenomena.
  •   Spontaneous symmetry breaking is a phenomenon in which (infinitesimally) small fluctuations acting on a system crossing a critical point decide the system’s fate by determining which branch of a bifurcation is taken.  Such transitions usually bring the system from a symmetric but disorderly state into one or more actual conditions. Symmetry breaking plays a significant role in pattern formation.  Spontaneous symmetry breaking makes possible the unification of particle physics’s weak, strong, and electromagnetic forces.
  •   Spontaneous symmetry breaking allows the laws of nature to retain their symmetry and yet have asymmetric solutions.  Precisely which symmetries were broken and which were unbroken remains to be seen.   Noether's Theorem | Equivalent eXchange
  • Some of the life-permitting subset requirements:
  • A quantum regime at small scales to provide stable atoms.  Electrons that radiate their kinetic energy without spiraling done to their nucleus, thus providing for chemistry to occur and life possible.  Also, if electrons were bosons rather than fermions, they would not obey Pauli’s exclusion principle. Again, there would be no chemistry.  If gravity were repulsive rather than attractive, then the matter wouldn’t clump up into complex structures.  If the strong force were long-range rather than short-range, there would again be no atoms.   Also, complexity could not happen.  If in electromagnetism, like charges attracted and opposites repelled, again, no atoms.  The electromagnetic force allows matter to cool into galaxies, stars, and planets.   Without such interactions, the lights would never come on.
  • noether | Tumblr
  • The laws that permit the emergence and persistence of complexity would have never shown up without this subset of rules.  If you vary one parameter while leaving the others constant, you will only slip into a scrambled disorder. The machinery will break down.  Randomness is incapable of machine making.
  • The Event-Originator produced the machinery and fired it up.
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