• Gradual evolution is back: Darwinian theory of gradual process explained in new research
  • Darwin’s mechanism of variation and selection is driven by microevolution, minor changes within existing species. The development of life was caused by an undirected process based on random genetic mistakes. Darwin thought that living cells were blobs of protoplasm.
  • There are four ways in which microevolutionary change happens. Evolutionary theory requires an undirected process. There is no evidence of significant species changes in the fossil record, only a record of incremental changes within a species. There is no pathway to an upgrade and no evidence of accumulated microevolution. Microevolution can’t be extrapolated to macroevolution. Despite seventy years of genetic research, extrapolation remains an assumption.
  • Mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection.
  •  Mutation: A  gene is randomly mutated into a different gene. Migration: (gene flow). Immigration from a different population of genes. Genetic drift: Reproduction begets random luck change. Natural selection: Only the strong survive predation; they live to breed more survivors. When life forms escape being eaten up, strong gets to go on. Simple is, as simple does. Some time ago, Darwinian natural selection underwent a credibility resurgence due to work in experimental genetics. Complexity doesn’t evolve. The defense of Darwinian evolution becomes less tenable with every new scientific advance. Cells are not accidental by-products of unguided natural forces. The discoveries of irreducibly complex biochemical cascades and the molecular machines needed for life should have killed off Darwin’s theory. Pladadues and perfunctory statements won’t keep Darwinism alive much longer.
  • This is why they worship randomness.
Mechanisms of Genetic Change or Evolution - YouTube
  • The Event Creator’s software that was put in place before the big bang has guided the evolutionary process. The Event Creator used the evolutionary design process to create our working universe and life on earth. The evolutionary framework for both was coded into the software of the creation module. This theistic evolution is a guided form of evolution.
  • Every function was programmed to evolve in its required sequence. Light, biosphere, and stars, followed by our sun, moon, and local stars.. dry land, seas, plants, and trees. Ditto for earth’s life forms. Over time, the life form’s coding system moved them from simple to complex.
  • The Event Originator intended to have peace on earth and grow a new crop of help—Lucy et al. waged war on their home turf. A third of the hosts were pushed to the edge of the abyss. They fell to earth to avoid the abyss. They established a killing floor on eath. 24/7, they walk about, seeking to destroy all that they can. Look out, kid, they keep it all hid.
  • The Event Creator wrote the code for adding a soul to each human unit. He did the same for the conscious human mind and a known thought process. A morality segment was also built into the fabric of the mind.
  • This purposeful process was put in place; It was time to execute the plan.
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