Theorists Debate How 'Neutral' Evolution Really Is | Quanta Magazine
  • For decades, science has attempted to explain the origin of the genetic code using the laws of chemistry and physics, to no avail.  Even their tricked-up scenarios come up with zero results.  That hasn’t stopped them from selling their bogus results on code-breaking. Cellular life evolved from a prebiotic soup.  The soup cooked up a set of abstract symbols that provided the needed code and the necessary information to do the start-up for living organisms.  They bring coded messages forth from the soup. This material soup makes building blocks of code and conveys the required information, either live or programmed for cell building.  Yeah, right.
  • A Cell Is Like A School-Jewel Pineda
  • The theory of evolution suggests that present-day organisms evolved from earlier life forms. At the molecular levelevolution reshaped some of the enzymes that help complete chemical processes — such as converting food into energy — in humans and all other life forms.
  • The textbook definition of molecular evolution is the process of change in the sequence composition of cellular molecules, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins across generations. The molecular evolution field uses evolutionary biology principles and population genetics to explain patterns in these changes. They do not address how did it start? 
  • Theories Of Biological Evolution - Darwinism - YouTube
  • Molecular evolution is the process of change in the sequence composition of cellular molecules, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins across generations. The molecular evolution field uses evolutionary biology principles and population genetics to explain patterns in these changes.
  • It then embedded the origins of the DNA genetic codes in the different energy profiles of the molecular DNA blueprints.  Randomness sure knows its stuff.  Under the influence of the laws of thermodynamics, the energy codes evolved.  An almost singular code became (out of trillions of possibilities) across all living species that were to follow.  Science hasn’t a clue why this universal enigma exists.  The code evolved into a nearly uniform blueprint.  Science has no answer.
  • Molecular Darwinism doesn’t address the first cause; it is just a scorecard.    
  • Systems Biology for Organotypic Cell Cultures
  • Every attempt to nail down the origin of life fails.  Attempts to arrange amino acids into phylogenetic trees fail.  They manipulate codons sequences (the three nucleotides together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.).  Another experiment that failed.  Experiments that aim to determine how genetic codons evolved also are dead on arrival. The list goes on.  They stick to the fallacy that codes can emerge from mindless processes.  In the long run, Hell will freeze over before they succeed in their quest.  A viable code evolution from a random Darwinian generated molecule is a pipe dream.   Natural selection extended down into prebiotic life and the laws of thermodynamics did the selecting.  Then, an energy code emerges from the swamp.
  • The Genetic code is composed of interlocking thermodynamic cycles that allow codons to evolve from each other through sequential transitions and transversions, which are influenced by an energy landscape modulated by both the thermodynamic and kinetic factors.  Differential energetics drove the early evolution of the genetic code.  The word salad goes on, and on,  No amount of rhetoric and research can justify a flawed premise.
Homologies: cellular/molecular evidence