Materialism is the philosophical theory that matter is the only reality. The reflective thought is not distinct from the initial idea. The perception of an idea passes for consciousness, kind of. I think, therefore, I am. I’m aware of my thoughts; randomness...
Classical Mechanics is based on assumed quantities. The discontinuities of quantum mechanics become continuities at the classical physics level. Trying to describe 4D space in 3D terms doesn’t work. The mechanics of quanta need to be told in 4D. A cell...
Workable coded information can’t be produced randomly. Randomness can’t read or write. Given enough time, a monkey can type out the Constitution of the United States. Humans overrate reading and writing. Biological function and the genetic code are...
AND THE ANSWER IS: Coded Information creates, operates, and maintains the universe and you. Randomness can’t write a code. The Event Originator wrote the software for the universe and you. The universe never loses Information. All Information in the universe...
LOOKOUT, KID, THEY KEEP IT ALL HID. The Process of self-organization is due to the coding in the creation module. The answer is: The Event Originator wrote the code, created the design, and implemented the program. Science and Christianity both need to get back to...
The Higgs boson is 130 times more massive than a proton. The Higgs field covers the universe. The Higgs has zero spin, no color change, and no electric charge. The Higgs field is a scalar one. It is precarious, and it decays into another particle almost immediately....