• The Process of self-organization is due to the coding in the creation module.
  • The answer is: The Event Originator wrote the code, created the design, and implemented the program.
  • Science and Christianity both need to get back to where they once belonged.
  • If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
  • Randomness can’t even build a bobsled—ditto for natural selection.
  • Consciousness is the observer, and materialism is observed.
  •  There is a dichotomy between objects and processes. Is reality a collection of things or a system of processes? It depends upon your point of view. Quantum fields are properties of wavicles. Particles are objects, and waves are processes.
  • Time is a parameter that characterizes the changes in a system. Time changes things. Small changes can occur quite rapidly for a given energy. A strobe-like visual evolution of a rapidly evolving system happens at the quantum level.
  • Objects vs. Process in Various Domains | Reason and Meaning
  • At the quantum mechanical level, there are no particles and no waves, only something with both properties. They are switch hitters in mid-stream. A wavicle is an entity with the characteristic properties of both a wave and a particle. Reality is the union of both an object and a process. Object and Process and not opposites; they are two poles on a spectrum. Object and Process are not black and white but shades of gray. Reality has two faces, and we can only see one. Two-faced behaviors occur on all three levels of physics. All things are triune, with binary interactives.
  • An Object persists until a Process changes it. Processes are spatially indefinite. We see objects immediately; processes need to be understood.Reality