All visible matter and dark matter are triune-based.

All visible matter and dark matter are triune-based.

If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection. Since the big bang, matter and energy have been involved in a continuous cycle. Additionally, there is dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter...
The universe is both homogeneous and isotropic in space and time

The universe is both homogeneous and isotropic in space and time

If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection. All moving bodies have a wave nature, i.e., it has properties of both particles and waves. It has a dual-core. The Uncertainty Principle...
Determinism & eternalism are both waiting for a future to happen.

Determinism & eternalism are both waiting for a future to happen.

All things are triune, with binary interactives. Determinism is based on a metaphysical illusion; time flows, giving rise to unpredictable events. The future is open.  Quantum theory is non-deterministic, and it has been experimentally verified. Spooky action at a...
Protons and neutrons are made up of three quarks.

Protons and neutrons are made up of three quarks.

If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection. Quarks are many subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge that are building blocks of the hadrons. 2. Quarks have not been...
Quantum fluctuations produce randomly fluctuating electric fields

Quantum fluctuations produce randomly fluctuating electric fields

If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally. Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection. The creation event was the product of the inflationary universe. A big Bang kicked it off. This was followed immediately by a rapid, accelerated...