• Supersymmetry: A Love Story. An exploration of the “WIMP miracle”… | by Matthew Forman | The Startup | Medium
  • Supersymmetry is a hypothesized doubling of nature’s elementary particles. The Higgs depends upon all interactions to be dialed to just the right amounts of positive and negative charges to cancel each other out.
  • The aim is to determine if supersymmetry is calibrated naturally or randomly. The answer is that the coding from the fundamental level of physics does the fine-tuning. It’s all about the code. The experiments will work once they include the basic level of physics in their experiments. Bosons and fermions contribute positive and negative terms to the Higgs mass, so they’ll always cancel if these terms come in pairs. This is a dream. The code fine-tunes them, which is the correct answer.
  • The cosmological constant’s enormous energy injections and extractions perfectly cancel out, leaving space placid instead of bubbling with energy.
  • The strong magnetism of the elementary particle muon suggests that the established theory of fundamental particles is incomplete. Space’s expansion is speeding up only slowly, showing that the cosmological constant is small.
  • Time is also a problem. It conflicts with general relativity and quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics regards the flow of time as universal and absolute, whereas general relativity regards the flow of time as malleable and relative. General relativity is about gravity and acceleration. It unifies the description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time in four-dimensional spacetime. Special relativity is about speed affecting time, mass, and space. A wave function changes over time on a probability basis in quantum mechanics. Not being deterministic is a problem for quantum mechanics. Quantum randomness originates and is controlled from the fundamental level of physics.
  • Supersymmetry particles remain theoretical. We’re still searching.
  • They have assigned four quantum numbers to each particle: 1. The principal quantum number. 2. The orbital angular momentum quantum number. 3. The magnetic quantum number. 4. The electronic spin quantum number.
  • Strange Numbers Found in Particle Collisions | Quanta Magazine
  • The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle governs the specified precision of the observed particle’s parameters.
  • The Schrodinger Wave Equation describes the probability of wave diffusion in space and time.
  • Quantum mechanics does the build-out for the classic level of reality.
  • Gravity is a consequence of the information associated with the positions of material bodies. Gravity is an emergent property generated by a decrease in entropy in a volume of space.
  • Information is causal. Quantum fields and energy are both fundamental on a different entity basis. Energy is a property of things. All seventeen quantum fields differ in content. These fields contain (or possess) energy. These seventeen quantum fields cover the universe.
  • General and special relativity cannot account for particle behavior. The fundamental and quantum levels of physics explain the behavior of particles. This is because forces act locally in quantum field theory by exchanging well-defined quanta. Particles are spatially well-localized quanta. Quantum mechanics correctly describes the chemical properties of atoms and their various conglomerations (molecules, polymers, crystals, etc.). 
  • QFT – How many fields are there? – Physics says what?
  • There are no particles; there are only fields.
  • Each quantum maintains its identity and acts as a unit explaining the particle-like behavior of the fields, no matter how spread out it may be. If an atom absorbs it, it deposits all its energy into that atom, just as if it were a particle.
  • The Standard Model and Supersymmetry - YouTube
  • Science must move beyond theories based solely on reductionism and practical field theory. We lost reductionism when we went to the Planck scale level. Gravity is anti-reductionist, and so is the whole fundamental level of physics.
  • A periodic scientific revolution caused by a crisis in the current paradigm causes a paradigm shift. A problem develops when a paradigm’s accuracy or usefulness diminishes or anomalies increase in number or significance that the paradigm cannot address. Propagating fundamental physics will be the next paradigm shift.
  • Science does not evolve gradually towards truth. Its paradigm remains constant before undergoing a paradigm shift when current theories can’t explain some phenomenon. Now is the time to add a fundamental level to physics.
  • All things are triune, with binary interactives, just like the holy trinity.