• A stroll through the particle zoo.
  • What Is Quantum Mechanics? Quantum Physics Defined, Explained | Live Science
  • The trinity interactions of the elementary particles:
  • The three generations of particles differ by their flavor, quantum number, and mass. Their electric and strong interactions are identical. Particles combine their kinetic energy and their rest-mass energy. Both particle mass and velocity are transformed into a union of particle momentum, and, at the speed of light, mass is wholly absorbed into particle momentum by the Lorenz transformation. At the speed of light, the particle’s total energy of a particle becomes a function of its velocity, and that momentum becomes a function of the particle’s wavelength. The transformation of a material particle into a photon is preceded by particle energy, wavelength, and velocity. The electron, muon, and tau also act in unison. Supersymmetric partners of the fermions also have three generation iterations. The heavier generations decay into, the lighter generations where they stabilize.
  •  The majority of the eighteen fields are related to the different values for the masses of the elementary particles. From a theoretical point of view, the particle masses are a total mystery. They might as well have been random numbers drawn from a hat. The repetition of particles with increasing masses has also remained a mystery. The electron’s cousin, the muon, weighs over two hundred times more than the electron. The muon is one of 16 fundamental particles that make up everything, all matter, all forces, and all energy, in the visible universe.
  • Matter particles in the standard model are arranged in generations or families. The first generation contains the electron, the electron neutrino, the up-quark, and the down-quark are followed by two additional copies which appear identical in everything except their masses.
  • Muons mitigate the relationship between the generations of matter. electron, muon, and tau.The three generations of particles couple differently in the Higgs sector. All matter is divided into three generations. Each quark is paired with a sibling—up–down, charm–strange, top-bottom, and every charged lepton have a little neutrino side-kick, an electron, an electron neutrino, a muon–muon neutrino, and a tau neutrino. Kinetic Energy Quanta also has three generations. In the strong force (color force), there are three colors and three flavors among the quarks and gluons. There are three charges, plus, minus, and neutral. There are three space dimensions.
  • There are three masses of charged leptons, neutrinos, quarks, and the rest of the particles. There are three types of matter particles: up and down quarks, which make up the triune atom of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, and electrons surrounding the nucleus. In the quark world, family members change quickly into one another.
  • Supersymmetry (SUSY) is a connection between fermions and bosons and suggests that all particles have a superpartner with the same mass and quantum numbers but a spin that differs by 1/2.
  • The 2nd and 3rd generation particles decay into 1st generation particles. They operate at the quantum level of physics. All three levels of particles spring forth from the fundamental level of physics. In the quark world, family members change quickly into one another. Every time an atom undergoes beta decay, in which a neutron turns into a proton, a down quark turns into an up quark. Quarks and leptons interact with gravity and electromagnetic force, but leptons don’t feel a strong nuclear force.
  • 10 mind-boggling things you should know about quantum physics | Space
  • The Higgs boson is an unstable particle that decays into various other particles, including tau leptons. Since the tau is the heaviest, the Higgs boson prefers to change into taus more than electrons or muons. Unlike quarks and electrically charged leptons, the mass differences between the generations of neutrinos are minimal, so we see them oscillating from one type to another. Without mass, neutrinos are precisely identical; with mass, they’re different.