• Mount Rainier is a complex shape but not specified.
  • Mount Rushmore is complex with a specified design.
  • We commonly described the scientific method as a four-step process involving observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion.
  • Intelligent design is a scientific theory that holds that many features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process like natural selection. The information for life design is a triune code with binary inter-actives. It generated specified complexity and specified information to do the build-outs.
  • Randomness did not write the physical laws of the universe.
  • The Event Originator transcribed the universe’s physical laws and then implemented them.
  • The materialist’s religious point of view is this:
  • In the beginning, there was nothing but an absolute void; there was no space or time. Then, a non-existent something fluctuates. This fluctuation in nothingness caused an explosion, and here we are. 
  • There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two.
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics.
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner.
  • They often regard entanglement as a uniquely quantum-mechanical phenomenon, but it is not. All atoms follow the laws of quantum physics. Entanglement arises in situations where we have partial knowledge of the state of two systems. Quantum information processing (QIP) uses superposition states of photons or particles to process, store, and transmit data in ways impossible to reach with classical systems
  • When matter becomes entangled, it passes through solid barriers on its journey.
  • The intrinsic properties of quantum mechanics are the quantification of energy (quanta), the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the correspondence principle.
  • Is Quantum Computing the Future of AI?
  • There are two fundamental theorems of quantum mechanics: the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. The fundamental level of physics has .encoded information built-in. It moves up to the quantum level for processing. The conservation of quantum information means that information cannot be created or destroyed.
  • Hidden symmetries in the structure of space-time can revert to form sometimes. When a gravitational wave passes through, it re-configures the cosmic fabric of space-time. It involves fundamental cosmic symmetries when a passing gravitational wave forever alters the structure of space-time. Hidden symmetries live in the design of space-time.
  • Sending information faster than the speed of light
    Would violate causality, or not. Perhaps there is a workaround to transfer data more quickly than light.