• We are a way for the cosmos to know itself if we weren’t so ego-driven. All the while, ignorance knows no boundaries. Knowledge struggles to overcome.
  • Most of the complexity of reality is beyond our ken. Knowing that we don’t know is a start.  Your inner reality is only a part of the whole.  At the moment, the only thing you can be sure of is the reality of your own subjective experiences.  Everything else is questionable.
  • There is no mystery about our existence.  God is growing help to replace the third of the hosts that left with the devil.  You are overcomplicating the current event.  Lucifer is corrupting as many people as is possible.  Where you end up is up to you.  The current event is as simple as that.  People are the product of the event. Everything else is irrelevant.
  •   Every picture tell a story, don’t it?  
  • So there is something instead of nothing.
  • Uncorrupted consciousness is what God is looking for.
  • Knowledge has found itself surrounded by ever longer shores of ignorance. We have been able to probe the unseen subatomic world, Only to discover quantum weirdness at its heart. Subatomic particles display two contradictory properties, depending on if and how they are Observed (wave-particle duality). The uncertainty principle limits our subatomic knowledge.  Probabilities rule the sub-atomic world.  The discovery of a zoo of elementary particles and the mirror world of antimatter revealed a far greater structure to reality.  Reality, and its material source, fracture. Time and causality lose their meaning. The self is a hallucination and free will an illusion.  The inner world we experience is precariously detached from the outer world.
  • Many of our pre-existing concepts impede reality.
  • Information is the essence of reality. The tapestry of reality is woven into space-time.  Historically, science has had a lot of closed-minded thinking, false certainty, and blind spots.
  • The trinity of mass, energy, and information has binary inter-actives.  We are living in a participatory universe, our mind can sculpture a personal physical reality.  Our inner aspect of information continually reprograms the outer information matrix.  We give meaning to the reality that we create.  Every object is a world unto itself. With the right focus, consciousness experiences transcendental worlds firsthand, which allows for an experiential context to emerge. Existence is driven to ever-higher levels of actualized complexity structures that express information exchanging.  New information is being forged in the furnaces of consciousness.
  • Science likes to pretend otherwise, but nature is a magnificent structure that can only be comprehended imperfectly.
  • Einstein’s sympathy for the religious longing in humans has been called the cosmic religious experience.  He considered it the strongest and the noblest driving force behind some scientific research. Anyone who only knows scientific research in its practical applications may easily come to a wrong interpretation of the state of mind of the men who, surrounded by skeptical contemporaries, have shown the way to kindred spirits scattered over all countries in all centuries.  It is a notion that transcends common religiosity. Only those who have dedicated their lives to similar ends can have a living conception of the inspiration which gave these men the power to remain loyal to their purpose despite countless failures. It is the cosmic religious sense which grants this power.  Most who have it are clueless that they have it, or they won’t admit it to others because of the shame and umbrage that they would receive from their peers.