• The Big Bang carries theological implications regarding the concept of creation out of nothing. Transcending the entire universe, there exists a cause that brought the universe into being.  They caused our whole universe to exist by something beyond it and more excellent than it.
  • The Theory of Everything will explain why the various features of the universe must have precisely the values we see.
  • The Creator designed the universe to support complexity and the emergence of intelligence.
  • God is the prime mover in creating the universe.
  • gravity and dark energy illustration
  • In cosmology, the cosmological constant is the energy density of space or vacuum energy.  I closely associated it with the concepts of dark energy and quintessence.
  • Why the fudge factor doesn’t go away: The main attraction of the cosmological constant term is that it significantly improves the agreement between theory and observation.
  • figure 1
  • ON THE OTHER HAND:  Researchers worldwide have long believed that 70 percent of the universe is composed of dark energy. This substance makes it possible for the universe to expand at an ever-increasing rate. But in a new study, researchers tested a model which suggests that the universe’s expansion is because of a dark substance with a kind of magnetic force.
  • The cosmological constant problem, in one form or another, is a century-old puzzle. It is one of the biggest problems in modern physics.  The cosmological constant is the most dominant component in our universe. It makes up 70% of the current energy budget.  The cosmological constant serves as the simplest possible explanation for the dark energy that drives this accelerating expansion.
  • Scientists Publish Most Precise Measurements of Dark Matter Ever Made | Technology News
  • A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
  •   Vacuum energy, the inherent energy density of space, no longer balances gravity but overwhelms it. The universe contains a bizarre form of matter or energy that is gravitationally repulsive. The cosmological constant is an example of this type of energy.  (Maybe). A cosmological constant term added to the standard model, Big Bang theory, leads to a model that appears to be consistent with the observed large-scale distribution of galaxies and clusters.
  • Cosmological constant theory of dark energy, illustration - Stock Image - C042/4584 - Science Photo Library
  • The most straightforward calculation involves summing the quantum mechanical zero-point energies of all the fields known in nature. This answers about 120 orders of magnitude higher than the upper limits… set by cosmological observations. At the core of the standard model lies general relativity. So in the battle of dark energy vs. quantum mechanics, dark energy unquestionably has the upper hand.
  • PBS Space Time | Is Dark Energy Getting Stronger? | Season 5 | Episode 15 | PBS
  • The anthropic approach provides the cosmological constant solution. The universe’s scientific observations would not be possible if the universe’s laws were incompatible with conscious life development.
  • Anthropic reasoning is used to deal with the reality that the universe is fine-tuned. It explains why this universe has the age and the fundamental physical constants necessary to accommodate conscious life.
  • I discovered the acceleration of the universe in 1998.  A universe is a life-permitting place, end of the story.  We have a long list of why the universe should blow itself apart and why it should quickly crush it into oblivion, and we continue adding to the list.  Again, give in, and get real.  Fine-tuning is the name of the game.  Hoyle resonance is evidence that a superintellect had built into the Big Bang the applicable fine-tuning requirements.
  • Stars have two essential roles to play in the origin and evolution of life.  They sensitize the elements needed by life.  The BigBang nucleosynthesis provides only hydrogen, helium, and lithium, which can only form two chemical compounds.  (H2 & LiH).  While carbon and hydrogen alone can combine into over 2,300 chemical compounds.  Stars also provide a long-lived, low-entropy source of energy for planetary life.  Stars also provide the gravity that holds planets in a stable orbit.  Steller stability keeps the balance.  Thermal and radiation pressure held at bay crushing gravity. The pressure is sourced by thermal reactions at the center of the star.  This balances the energy lost to radiation.  Stars require a balance between gravity and the strong force, with the electromagnetic force providing the link between the two.  If a star is too small, the nuclear furnace won’t ignite.  If a star is too large, the radiation pressure will dominate the thermal pressure; all that happens is unstable pulsations.  s The existence of stable stars in our universe requires fine-tuning.
  • The Hoyle Resonance is an example of fine-tuning; if it weren’t in place, stars wouldn’t be able to produce the carbon required by life.  The triple-alpha process is a set of nuclear fusion reactions by which three helium-4 nuclei (alpha particles) are transformed into carbon.  The anthropic principle The anthropic principle
  •  Helium accumulates in stars’ cores due to the proton-proton chain reaction and the carbon-nitrogen–oxygen cycle.
  • Overview of the triple-alpha process:
  • With further increases of temperature and density, fusion processes produce nuclides only up to nickel-56 (which decays later to iron); neutron capture created mainly heavier elements (those beyond Ni). The slow capture of neutrons, the s-process, produces about half of the elements beyond iron. Rapid neutron capture, the r-process, which probably occurs in core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers paid the other half.
  • The first generation stars play an essential role in the production of the elements needed for life.  The ability of stars in our universe to produce both carbon and oxygen is a rare talent.
  • Anthropic Principle