Nucleosynthesis | Chemical Elements | Chemogenesis LAMBDA - WMAP "Science on a Sphere" Microwave Sky Images
  • Big BThe cosmic microwave background (CMB, CMBR), in Big Bang cosmology, is electromagnetic radiation which is a remnant from an early stage of the universe, also known as “relic radiation. The CMB is faint cosmic background radiation filling all space. It is an essential source of data on the early universe because it is the oldest electromagnetic radiation in the universe, dating to the epoch of recombination and nucleosynthesis:   Atomic nuclei were created in nucleosynthesis, which occurred during the first few minutes of the photon epoch. For the remainder of the photon epoch, the universe contained a hot dense plasma of nuclei, electrons, and photons.
  • Protons, neutrons, and electrons were heated in a bath of gamma rays.  As the tub cooled, the protons were losing their destructive powers.  Neutrons are needed to make a nucleus because the protons repel each other.
Will the “massive gravity” theory solve the biggest puzzles of the Universe? | by Faisal Khan | Technicity | Medium
  • The first recombination epoch begins at around 18,000 years, as electrons combine with helium nuclei to form He.+. .In cosmologyrecombination refers to the epoch at which charged electrons and protons first became bound to form electrically neutral hydrogen atoms.  The 2nd Recombination occurred about 370,000 years after the Big Bang.  Recombination involves electrons binding to protons (hydrogen nuclei) to form neutral hydrogen atoms.
  • Cosmic 'hotspots' may be relics of a universe that existed before ours
  • Immediately after the Big Bang, the universe was a hot, dense plasma of photonsleptons, and quarks: the quark epoch. Immediately after that,  the Universe had expanded and cooled sufficiently to allow for the formation of protons: the hadron epoch.  This plasma was effectively opaque to electromagnetic radiation due to Thomson scattering by free electrons. The mean free path each photon could travel before encountering an electron was concise.  Eventually, the universe cooled to the point that the formation of neutral hydrogen was energetically favored.
  • This photon production is known as decoupling, which leads to recombination, sometimes called photon decoupling, but recombination and photon decoupling are special events.  This model is usually described as an “effective three-level atom.” It requires keeping track of hydrogen under three forms: in its ground state, in its first excited state (assuming all the higher excited states are in Boltzmann equilibrium with it), and in its ionized form. Atoms in the first excited state may also be re-ionized by the ambient CMB photons before reaching the ground state.
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  • The gravity amplifications on the hot spot result in a supercluster galaxy formation.  This irregular formless void forms a web of galaxies. These density variations were a manifestation of the quantum mechanics field that had been coded into the event.
  • The plasma sloshed around as it was losing its heat.  The overly dense regions just collapsed.  The hot plasma is pushed back against the gravity forces to produce acoustic waves (like clapping).  The resultant collapses and acoustic waves caused the epic recombination to begin.  The photons were released, and the pressures dropped so that gravity was unopposed to amplify the waves of creation and the collapse into galaxy starter kits.   This plasma soup was as hot as the furnace in a star. The universe was transitioning from a featureless form of hot plasma into these web of galaxies starter kits.  Three hundred seventy thousand years later, the let there be light phase kicked in.  The Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago, generated an ionized plasma, which cooled rapidly as the Universe expanded. This soup began to form neutral hydrogen atoms. Over time, and under gravity’s influence, these clumped together, forming stars that ignited about 370,000 years after the Big Bang.
  • The quantum density field was subject to the uncertainty principle.
  • CMB is the best black body in existence.  On the initial spread, hot plasma was everywhere.  Slight irregularities occurred in the molten mix.  You also get hot and cold spots.  These spots have density fluctuations.
  • Spacecraft Finishes Mapping Cosmic Microwave Background | WIRED
  • Quantum mechanics then drove the expansion phase of the universe into its stretched-out wavelength form.  This quantum inflation caused the polarisation of the produced radiation.  These density and gravity fluctuations lead to stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and eventually to us.
  • Do background radiation consist of alpha beta and gamma particles? - Quora
  • Cold Spot in CMB could be evidence for a multiverse
  • SEURAT’S pointillism, Post & Neo-impressionism.
  • POLLOCK’S  Abstract expressionism. 
  • Pollock’s style Fractal Expressionism.
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