Getting to the right answer: 1st, infer your way to the best explanation. 2nd, look at the cause result that is currently operational. 3rd: The more straightforward answer will usually prevail.
The litany of a universe: It had a beginning, the big bang. From the get-go, the universe was fine-tuned for the production of life. Digital information was infused into the design of life from the beginning. The event originator of this universe is not a part of this universe. He is, however, an active participant in this universe. Materialism is only an ingredient in the creation process of the universe. It can’t originate anything; it is clueless. If something begins to exist, something had to cause it. Beginnings are not self-made.
The classic theological work by Thomas Aquinas presents numerous philosophical arguments for the existence of God, divine attributes, divine providence, and so forth. Often called the “Treatise on God,” it is a classic locus of natural theology.
Theists know materialism does not know. Theism provides a more satisfying answer. A transcendent mind is the only acceptable answer to existence. Accepting that a natural origin for biological complexity brought forth life is wrong. Darwinism is over; leave at your own chosen speed. It ain’t him that you’re looking for.
The elite culture controls the scientific narrative. They also subscribe to the Marx dictum that religion is the opiate for the masses.
The knowledge culture today is ruled by materialism, both literally and figuratively. The prime reality question is: Does God rule the universe, or does unguided matter and energy acting within space and time get the job done? Free to choose. The materialists need to walk away from their religion. Leave at your own chosen speed. Reality is about to set in.