The Council of Trent met in 25 sessions between 1545 and 1563.    A new Latin liturgy was adopted.  It stayed in place until the Second Vatican Council of 1962.  By 1560, there were more than2,000 Protestant churches on French soil.  The tensions between the Calvinist Huguenots and the French Catholics were high.  In 1562, the two wars of religion broke out.  The wholesale slaughter of the Huguenots by Catholic mobs occurred.  Huguenots were French Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who followed theologian John Calvin’s teachings. Persecuted by the French Catholic government during a violent period, Huguenots fled the country in the 17th century, creating Huguenot settlements all over Europe, in the United States, and Africa. Meanwhile, Spain. one of the few nations that had resisted the Reformation, started the Spanish Inquisition.  King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella’s goal was to unify the people.  Torture and executions reined.  Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834), judicial institution ostensibly established to combat heresy in Spain. In practice, the Spanish Inquisition consolidated power in the monarchy of the newly unified Spanish kingdom, but it achieved that end through infamously brutal methods.  Estimates of the number killed by the Spanish Inquisition, which Sixths IV authorized in a papal bull in 1478, have ranged from 30,000 to 300,000. Some historians are convinced that millions died. Image result for Spanish Inquisition.  Concurrently, in Scotland, John Knox initiated a Calvinist-like Reformation.  This resulted in the Presbyterian Church being formed.  The Lutheran churches of Sweden, Finland, and Norway were also included. Image result for calvinism huguenots and the industrial revolution Thirty years of war (1618-1648) between the Catholic states and the Protestant states occurred.  It was the most devastating war on European soil up to then.  40% of the Germans were killed.  It would take a century for Europe to recover from the 30 years of warfare. Image result for 30 years war The Order of the Jesuits was formed in 1539.  They were the “soldiers of Christ.” They also became educators; by the mid-1600s, they operated over 500 schools and universities across Europe and overseas.  Ignatius of Loyola was the founder of the Order.  In Rome, the Society of Jesus—a Roman Catholic missionary organization—receives its charter from Pope Paul III. The Jesuit order played an essential role in the Counter-Reformation and eventually converted millions worldwide to Catholicism. The Jesuit order is a Roman Catholic order founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 to defend Catholicism against the Reformation and to do missionary work among the heathen; it is firmly committed to education and scholarship. Synonyms: Society of Jesus.  Founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 to defend Catholicism against the Reformation and to do missionary work among the heathen, it is strongly committed to education and scholarship. Image result for Order of the Jesuits Art and architecture went baroque at this time.  Baroque architecture, architectural style originating in late 16th-century Italy and lasting in some regions, notably Germany and colonial South America, until the 18th century. Image result for Art and architecture went baroque at this time. Hernán Cortés was a Spanish conquistador and explorer who defeated the Aztecs and claimed Mexico for Spain. Cortez, a Spanish Conquistador, invaded Mexico in 1519. He first set sail to the New World at the age of 19. Cortés later joined an expedition to Cuba. Lacking food and ravaged by smallpox disease earlier introduced by one of the Spaniards, the Aztecs, now led by Cuauhtemoc, finally collapsed after 93 days of resistance on the fateful day of 13th of August, 1521 CE. Tenochtitlan was sacked and its monuments destroyed. During the siege, around 100 Spaniards lost their lives compared to as many as 100,000 Aztec.Image result for Cortez, a Spanish Conquistador Image result for Dutch explorers in Java The Dutch colonized many parts of the world — from America to Asia and Africa to South America; they also occupied many African countries for years. From the 17th century onwards, the Dutch started to colonize many parts of Africa, including the Ivory Coast, Ghana, South Africa, Angola, Namibia, and Senegal. The Dutch arrived in Indonesia in 1595, looking for natural resources and a place to take over.  In 1595, a Dutch exposition dropped anchor in Java and then took over the Indonesian Islands for 400 years. The Dutch set up the first multi-national trading corporation and would dominate European trade with Asia for 200 years.  England soon established a foothold in England. This was followed by a British colony in 1607, at Jamestown, Va.  America became a haven for persecuted religious minorities. Oliver Cromwell was Lord Protector of England from 1646 to 1660, when Puritanism grew in power.  The restoration of the Monarchy in 1662 ended the Puritan influence.  After that, they left for North America.  The Pilgrims also headed to New England.  Christianity surged in the American colonies. Image result for pilgrims and puritans Pilgrims were separatists who first settled in Plymouth, Mass., in 1620 and later set up trading posts on the Kennebec River in Maine, on Cape Cod, and near Windsor, Conn. Puritans were non-separatists who, in 1630, joined the migration to establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Pilgrims and Puritans came to America to practice religious freedom. In the 1500s, England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and created a new church called the Church of England. Everyone in England had to belong to the church. … The Pilgrims decided to settle in this area and called it Plymouth. Dutch colonization’s original intent was to find a path to Asia through North America. Still, after seeing the fur trade profitable, the Dutch claimed the New Netherlands area. … Both the Dutch and the French relied on marriages with Native Americans to expand their fur trading operations.