When you die, your soul will survive in heaven or hell.
Evolution didn’t happen the way Darwin described it’s
The theory of evolution is ambiguous at best.
Issues related to abiogenesis, irreducible complexity, the fossil record, and DNA evolution as a naturalistic scientific theory are broken. Biological evolution is dogma in Western culture.
Irreducible complexity prevents new feature development.
Transitional forms are absent from the Fossil Record.
Natural selection does not produce anything.
Traditional evolution assumes transitional forms. In evolution, transitional forms are hypothetical creatures that exist as links between various species.
GOD’S START-UP God’s operating functions run on an advanced quantum/fundamental array of computing, automation, control, cybernetic systems, and application machinery that set laws and technological interfaces. Every function interfaces on a triune basis with the universe’s requirements. The three levels of physics are fundamental, quantum, and classic.
3 is 1, and 1 is 3 on a binary interactive basis.
All things are triune, interacting as one.
God’s started—God’s operating functions run on an advanced quantum/fundamental computation array.
Space evolves in three dimensions, and mass reposes within space.
Time is the fourth dimension.
Matter takes up space. When mass moves, it is in motion.
Energy exists in many forms: potential, kinetic, etc.
Like other types of waves, light waves carry energy from a source.
They are composed of discrete particles of energy called photons. Photons are massless, but they carry momentum and energy.
Light travels as waves, like ripples in a body of water. Unlike sound waves, however, light waves can travel through empty spaces.
. Dark energy is the force responsible for the acceleration of the expansion of the universe at an ever-increasing rate since the Big Bang.
God’s codes for God’s three cycles of the universe. are:
NOTE: GOD’S CODING FOR THE UNIVERSE IS based on this formula: All things are triune with binary interactions and interfaces.
THE CYCLE OF GOD’S UNIVERSE GOD’S START WITH A SINGULARITY. At the earliest moments of the Big Bang, all of the matter, energy, and observable space were compressed into an area of zero volume and infinite density. This singularity starts the next universe.
This cyclic universe process is called the endless cycles of expansion and contraction.
This image has various shapes and sizes, from stately spirals to fuzzy ellipticals. In addition to a range of sizes, this galactic menagerie boasts a range of orientations, with spiral galaxies like the one at the center of this image appearing almost face-on and some edge-on spiral galaxies visible only as slivers of light.
Gravity is the force that causes things to drop to the ground. Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down.
The gravitational attraction of the mass of the earth, the moon, or a planet for bodies at or near its surface.
The universe’s history can be divided into three significant periods: radiation, matter, and dark energy.
The five stages of the universe’s formation are the very early universe, the early universe, the Dark Ages and structure emergence, the present, and the future.
3. Dark matter consists of an entirely new type of matter built from a new kind of elementary particle. They are known as WIMPs (for weakly interacting massive particles).
Anything in the act of changing its location in space is said to be in motion.
The big crunch, where the universe compresses or crunches back together again into a singularity