• The universe is13.8 billion years old. The farthest we can see currently is around 47.7 billion light-years.
  • We can see only 5% of the universe,  95 % is invisible to us. We can’t see, detect, or comprehend the remaining 95%. (This is the academic best guess). The real answer is: “We don’t know.” The math answer is (3/2)(pi), which equals approximately 4.7123. That means the entire universe is 4.7123 times larger than the observable universe. Looking the other way, the observable universe makes up only 21.22% of the entire universe.
  • All of the stars in a galaxy circle the center at roughly the same speed. Why? Because dark energy keeps the outer star speed cranked up. Dark matter is holding things together. The particles for both dark energy and mass have not been identified. 
  • The 360 million years following the big bang were dark until “let there be light” showed up. Tomorrow, you’ll see one more light year into that darkness. Light travels 669,600,000 miles in an hour. Light zips through interstellar space at 186,000 miles a second or 5.88 trillion miles per year.
  • A light-year is the distance light travels in one Earth year. It takes sunlight an average of 8 minutes and 20 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth.
  • We only see 5% of the universe | Boing Boing
  • Did The Big Bang Spawn a Mirror Universe?
  • The Big Bang Theory describes the evolution of the universe from the beginning point.  Hubble discovered that the universe is still expanding. Dark matter doesn’t give off light, but it is influenced by gravity on keeping things together. Dark energy keeps the expansion moving on.  An inflationary phase was followed by an expansionary phase. An inflationary phase is about to begin again.
  • There are 12 matter fields interacting with the 4 force fields=16 fields. Plus the Higgs boson particle generating field. These 17 fields cover the universe. They accomplish the build-out of the universe. An internal harmonic wave system drives all of the matter in the universe. These harmonic waves allow for complete control and order for each function. Sets of entangled harmonic waves in space-time radiate into our entire reality. The existing matter is used to accomplish our reality. Information from the Higgs field generates the form and substance for all mass. Our reality is only a part of the whole.
  • Cause and Effect | English Composition 1
  • There are three types of emergence: simple, weak, and strong. Time and thought are emergent properties. Emergence occurs when an entity has properties its parts do not have individually. When the parts interact, a different entity emerges. Mass in special relativity became equivalent to energy. An agent with free will can cause events. One event can cause another event. An agent decides and commits to a specific course of action. The spontaneous agent of change applies to all of the components within the universe and life forms. Everything that comes into existence has its own material cause, and all causes fit the intended result. A personal agent was the cause of it all. Forces must be guided. Without guidance, forces are just fireworks in the sky, without meaning, and no coherent results. Pointless and useless random eventualities aren’t what is happening here. You don’t know what is happening here, do you, Mister Jones.