• Randomness couldn’t build a bobsled, let alone a universe. Natural selection could select away until the cows come home, and no bobsled would ever show up either.
  • On the other hand, a transcendent, intelligent Creator wrote the code, created the software, and transcribed the physics. Then He designed and installed the build-out and operating systems for the universe, all before lunch.
  • Darwin’s ape-to-human story was a simple, inevitable biological progression. For over 160 years, science has stuck to that story with religious zealotry. We can’t question their theory because they are the most intelligent people in every room, 24/7. Only the ignorant would dare to ask any questions.
  • Brute survival skills are the only requirement for the survival of the fittest. Spurious conclusions abound in the land of Darwinism. Only the strong survive—secular ontology studies existence by taking abstractions and turning them into facts. Secular ontological arguments underpin the religion of Darwinism. Aspects of reality beget specific beliefs. The truth of the premise guarantees the validity of the conclusion unless the premise is false. Other than that, proceed with the procedures. Science has now validated that The Event Originator created the universe.
  • Your brain has quadrillions of synchronized electrochemical operations; the physics of the cosmos were fine-tuned to produce cellular life, designed explicitly for carbon-based, air-breathing animal life here on earth. The earth is precisely fit for creatures like us. Humanity has a special place in nature. We are more than an irrelevant afterthought of cosmic evolution. Our existence had been programmed into the original schematic from the get-go. God had lost one-third of His hosts and needed to grow replacements. We are the reason for the current universe.
  •  One universe does not make an infinity. One universe does not make an eternity. This universe will remain operational until all of its critical missions are accomplished.
  •  This time, a triune physics platform was used, Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic.
  • All things are triune, with binary interactives.
  • Things happen gradually, then suddenly will show up.
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