• If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
  • Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection.
  • The creation event was the product of the inflationary universe. A big Bang kicked it off. This was followed immediately by a rapid, accelerated expansion period of inflation. The software package for the universe was put together outside of space and time by the Event Originator. The Event Originator wrote the code for the laws of nature into the creation module. This cosmology inflation epoch was completed in a flash. The inflaton field was at a higher-energy state.
  • It's confirmed: Matter is merely vacuum fluctuations | New Scientist
  • Quantum fluctuations produce randomly fluctuating electric fields that can affect electrons. They are vacuum state fluctuations. 
  • Quantum fluctuations are determinations of the fields for producing order/patterns.
  • Order production occurs at the quantum level and depends precisely upon the fluctuations in the quantum fields: rhythmicities, vibratory intensities, synchronicities, entanglements, locality/nonlocality connections. The fundamental level of physics (the subquantum level) is permanently waving.
  • Random quantum fluctuations triggered a phase transition so the inflation field could release its energy. This phase generated a repulsive force that drove the observable universe into being. The process of primordial Nucleosynthesis started up. The only element available was Hydrogen. During Nucleosynthesis, the main element produced was Helium-4. Smaller quantities of Deuterium, Helium-3, Lithium, and Beryllium were also produced. Any element heavier than Beryllium was made in stars much later.
  • The creation software module went operational to activate the build-out of the universe. Every necessary function was coded into separate program modules. The functional module runs the entire software package. The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) was created about 380,000 years after the Big Bang. The laws of physics are used to work backward from the CMB’s creation point. That involves a lot of math and a lot of assumptions plugged in. The math works, even with the occasional wrong assumption.
  • This universe is not entirely deterministic. True indeterministic randomness is unfalsifiable. Spin is an intrinsic property related to a direction in space—the charge and spin degrees of freedom as a natural consequence of the Lorentz symmetry of spacetime. Every particle has spin angular momentum. Massless particles have (linear) momentum despite being massless. Classical rate involves mass; quantum velocity (including angular momentum) does not.
  • Nature is random and unpredictable, except when it is deterministic. A world that unfolds with precise mathematical certainty is a sometimes thing. Quantum uncertainty is a fundamental feature of the universe; chance is coded into the foundational software of the universe. Quantum models have been developed that are deterministic and describe a world with objective properties, but they are flawed.
  •  The classic laws of nature are deterministic when they need to be but sometimes slip in and out of randomness. Quantum mechanic laws are predominantly random, but they can also revert to deterministic on an as-needed basis. Energy and mass are interchangeable; all particles with energy have mass.
  • Higher laws rule quantum mechanics. They operate on the fundamental level of physics. The fundamental level of physics is the operating system for the quantum level of physics. The quantum level of physics is the operating system for the classic level of physics.
  • If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
  • Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection.
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