• If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
  • Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection.
  • Simple premises are the fundamental theories of physics. Some laws of physics can be axiomatized; some cannot. The axiomatic method is all about putting your cards on the table. Too many theoretical models do not maintain internal consistency. The overlap between models too many times is inconsistent. Physics has too many arbitrary, somewhat verifiable assumptions. There are too many 2nd laws of physics. The new quantum version of thermodynamics involves only resource theories.
  • Quantum mechanics can only be described in really complex mathematical terms. Most of the conclusions of quantum experts are guesses backed up by fuzzy math. Things at the quantum level can’t be experimentally confirmed. Science relies on observation and experiments. The next part is building predictive and explanatory models or reality if all else fails. Note: You do mold a theory on hypotheses that have been defended. Because if any of them fall, the entire theory crumbles. A theory’s foundation is built upon validated axioms of truth. Walk away if an untruth shows up, and begin again. In the next part, assumptions play a role in building predictive and explanatory models of reality.
  • There are only two hypotheses of physics: (assumptions).
  • 1st: Positivism – the laws of physics can be derived from sensory information, logic, and deduction. Logical positivism starts with something that can only be true or false through empiricism.
  • 2nd: Universalism – it is possible to state physical theories invariant for all time and space.
  • Axioms belong to formal systems. According to the rules, a proper approach is an abstract structure to infer theorems from assumptions. In formal semantics, the theorem states: “You cannot define arithmetical truth in arithmetic.” Truth in the standard system model cannot be defined within the system. Truth is Axiomatic, maybe. No sufficiently rich interpreted language can represent its semantics. An extensive set of propositions can be deducted (demonstrated, proven) from the axioms by following inference rules. It doesn’t matter what the recommendations are about in an axiomatic system. We only care about the relationships between elements formally described by the original propositions (hypotheses) and the deducted propositions (theorems).
  • The passage of time is fundamentally tied to reality, and we cannot completely specify the quantum state of the Universe because it is not static (i.e., eternal and unchanging). Time points from the past to the future. Time goes both ways, but we can only perceive the forward march of time. Things grow more disordered and random.
  • All items are triune with binary interactives. This is the driver of all physics.
  • Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is contemporary elementary particle physics’s mathematical and conceptual framework. As new scientific theories have emerged, the concept of particles has evolved for a hundred years. When the maths run out of talent, the guessing begins—ditto for reductionism. Any propositions we use to formalize our understanding of reality will become an axiomatic system. The formalization of reality is not reality, whatever reality means.
  • Classical level fields are particle and force fields that exist over space and time. Quantum-level fields are the quantum mechanics that make these classical fields operational; what we perceive as particles are excitations of the quantum field itself. Symmetries are instruments of provisional physics used in theories that are not yet fully developed. Symmetries make the math work but little else. Symmetry operations change the perspective of an observer, but the transformations remain the same. There is a corresponding symmetry element for each symmetry operation. The four main types of this symmetry are translation, rotation, reflection, and glide reflection. Symmetry operations are essential because they allow you to make general conclusions about molecular properties without doing the math.
  • Fundamental physics is causal. Quantum physics distributes and operates the system. The front end of classical physics is what you see. If you had complete knowledge of the past, it would allow you to compute the future. If you had a comprehensive understanding of the end, it would allow you to calculate the past. But you are stuck in the be here now slot.
  • Objects in quantum physics are neither particles nor waves; they are a strange combination of both. We can only make probabilistic future predictions given complete knowledge of the past.
  • Physics’ fundamental and quantum levels work in tandem to produce the classic level. Quantum and fundamental physics is the correct theory. The correspondence principle shows that physics’s primary and quantum levels give birth to the classic level. Both levels have hidden properties. The classical limit is used with physical theories that predict non-classical behavior (quantum interactions).
Do the Past and Future Exist? - YouTube
  • If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
  • Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection.
  • All things are triune, with binary interactives, just like the holy trinity.