Establishing universal thermal equilibrium contact can’t happen. Everything is made from stretched quantum fluctuations or not. The stretching occurred in the rapid expansion phase called the inflation period. When the inflation phase ended, its field decayed, and the energy was converted into radiation and particles. The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) has almost the same temperature in all directions. Why, then, does it have the same temperature in all directions?
Before inflation, there had to be monopoles in abundance. After the inflation phase, monopoles just can’t be found.
How did the early universe have the correct amount of matter to produce a flat universe? Inflation made positive energy, much of which would eventually precipitate into the matter, and the negative energy ultimately became gravity. Inflation would have been triggered by about one gram of matter in space, about one billionth the volume of a proton, and the gravity associated with that mass. The four forces were united until, in a split second, a phase transition separated them. This initial inflation triggered the hot big bang. The generated energy was off the charts. No singularity, no infinities, just dense energy that zeroed everything out. We still live in a net-zero-energy universe. Annihilation events were universal. Thanks to the workings of the Higgs boson field, some matter survived.
Protons and neutrons formed from the quarks and gluons via the strong force. It was too hot for simple elements to form until things cooled down. Three hundred seventy-eight thousand years post-Big Bang, hydrogen and helium showed up. 75% H and 25% He, plus trace bits of other simple elements and isotopes. Baryons (three valence quarks, one of each color, resulting in no color) or mesons (a colorless pair of valence quarks and antiquarks). These particles have infinite binding energy via the strong force. The mesons are unstable. The lowest-mass baryons are the proton and neutron. Only the proton is stable as a free particle. Quarks can be bound together by a powerful force called the color force. It’s an unusual force because its strength increases with distance. Quarks inside a proton or neutron are moving close to the speed of light. Protons and neutrons are composed of up and down quarks. There is much more inside a proton (or any other baryon) than three valence quarks. Remember that mass is the same as the energy contained in it. The strong nuclear force binds quarks together. Gluons mediate the exchange of the color properties between quarks. It recently was determined that the W boson is heavier than thought. The W boson is a fundamental particle that mediates the weak force.
The 12 fundamental physics particles include up quarks, down quarks, strange quarks, charm quarks, top quarks, bottom quarks, electrons, electron neutrinos, muons, muon neutrinos, tau, and tau neutrinos. The particles make up matter and mass. Other particles include photons, W and Z bosons, and gluons.
Electrons and quarks are elementary particles. There are three categories of elementary particles: Quarks, Leptons, and Bosons. The Strong Force has eight mediating bosons called gluons. These are massless and chargeless and couple to the color charge of particles. Of the fermions, only quarks have a non-zero color charge. Gluons are the only bosons with a non-zero color charge. They can couple to other gluons.
The Event Originator had first written the code for the laws that operate the universe. Then the creation module was coded and installed. The ignition process kicked in, and blast off was at hand.