• If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
  • Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection.
  • Achievement is not random. Specified complexity doesn’t just happen. Complex biological features don’t just show up. Unguided Darwinian mechanisms can’t achieve anything approaching a life form. An Event Originator had to plan to bring forth and evolve a created universe.
  • Chance and determinism can’t produce specified complexity, a blueprint, a code, or software. Only an intelligent agency can do that.
  • Firstly, software needs to be written to run, activate, control, and operate everything. Information needs to be sourced and organized. The blueprint for the operating systems needs to be drawn up. Then the creation module needs to be installed. The build-out module follows the creation module. The operational module is then put in place. Evolvement, over time, causes energy to produce everything, including us.
    • Humans are unique. We retain known thought. We articulate known thoughts. After thinking about it, we know that we know. We communicate and understand available ideas. Our mind and consciousness is a unique software program activated in humans along the way. Why He installed it in us is an easy answer. The Event Originator needed to grow a new crop of known thought helpers. He knew ahead of time that he would lose a third of His hosts down the road. Help had to be created; it doesn’t just show up on your doorstep.
    • When Lucifer et al. lost the war, they fell to Earth. They proceeded to contaminate the new crop 24/7, eight days a week. The fight isn’t over, and the battles are still raging.
  • The Event Originator had initially developed and installed an emergent mind and consciousness software program exclusive to us. He added new properties to the mix. This emergent, unique software program went operational along the way.
  • We also possess a continuous search for God, an innate knowledge of right and wrong, and spiritual nature.
  • If something is working, it didn’t happen accidentally.
  • Randomness can’t even build a bobsled. Ditto for natural selection.
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