• the state of religion
  • Christianity begets social solidarity.
  • Society is upstream from religion.
  • Christianity gives people something to believe in. It provides a sense of structure and offers group cohesion. We can only fix institutions of collectivism via Christianity. Religious traditions’ beliefs, values, and ideas have contributed to human societies and cultures. A culture without a Christian value system can’t stand the test of time. The waters of oblivion see to that.
  • Cultural changes in Europe and North America have been devaluing Christianity for seven decades. Most of the cultures in Western civilization have overtly and covertly marginalized Christianity every step of the way. Academia uses the disciplines of epistemology (the nature and scope of knowledge) and ontology (the nature of being, existence, and reality) to generate false beliefs against Christianity.
  • Cultural forces, over time, cause a gradual drift away from religion.
  • Most of Europe’s Christians are non-practicing while still identifying as Christians. They attend church once or twice a year outnumber the regular church attendees.
  • What that looks like:
  • Atlas of Global Christianity
  •  There have been between 8,000 and 12,000 gods of record.
  • The more education people have in Western civilization, the less religious they are. (Because academia teaches students that only stupid people continue to keep religious beliefs into adulthood. Losing your religion is a requirement for intelligent people. Academia eradicates religious beliefs with a vengeance.
  • Atheism is a chain of fools. Communism is a yoke around the necks of its servants. Socialism is the gateway drug to the oblivion of communism.
  • We need democracy to get back to where it once belonged. Free to choose, you and me.
  • Religious culture in America today bears many resemblances to that of the pre-awakened eighteenth century, a meandering, no direction home state of mind. Since the 1960s, conservative evangelical Protestant churches have grown dramatically, while the other denominations have slipped away. Concurrently, cultures worldwide have fallen into the sewers of oblivion.
  • 1st: The universe is not inherently random. The quantum level of physics, the fundamental and classic levels, is not accidental. It only appears that way to some. Randomness is in deep conflict with the deterministic laws of physics. The laws of nature are harmonious. Constants are astronomically fine-tuned and synced with all the constants of physics. 
  • 2nd: The Event Originator (EO) wrote the rules and the code to produce and maintain the universe.
  • 3rd: Atheism is a fool’s errand, with no way out.
  • 4th: The universe is unnatural. It has extremely unlikely fundamental constants that make life possible. This is because God wrote the code for the universe to produce energy.
  • Religious culture in America today bears many resemblances to that of the pre-awakened eighteenth century, a meandering, no direction home state of mind. Since the 1960s, conservative evangelical Protestant churches have grown dramatically, while the other denominations have been slip-sliding away. Concurrently, cultures worldwide have fallen into the sewers of oblivion.
  • The beliefs, values, and ideas of religious traditions have made, and continue to make, significant contributions to the development of human societies and cultures. The time is at hand to stop the fade away of Christian values.
  • Society is upstream from religion. We can only fix institutions of collectivism via Christianity. Religious traditions’ beliefs, values, and ideas have contributed to human societies and cultures. A culture without a Christian value system can’t stand the test of time. The waters of oblivion see to that.
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