• It has been more than a century since the groundwork of quantum physics showed up, yet the consequences of the theory still elude both scientists and philosophers. Gravity is an invisible force that pulls objects toward each other.
  •  Gravity is a feature of the space-time medium; the other forces of nature play out on that stage. Classic physics causes gravity to curve the fabric of space-time while all the other forces spring from quantum particles. All four forces begin from the fundamental level of physics, then move to the quantum level, and then move to the classic story. The reality stage is where we play out our lives.
  • The Search for Quantum Gravity | The UCSB Current
  • Gravity has a quantum form, like the other forces of nature. All matter feels the force of gravity. We can’t measure the quantum mechanical properties of gravity. Gravity is weaker than the other forces. Spontaneous particle creation happens. Entanglement between the states of particles far apart happens. Particles in a superposition of existence in multiple locations also occur. Entanglement to create connections between distant regions of space-time happens. In particle physics, the vacuum of space is complex. Particle fields are superimposed on top of one another and extend throughout the universe. The value of each field is constantly fluctuating at short distances. The vacuum state emerges. Particles are disturbances in this vacuum state. They are slight disturbances in the vacuum’s structure. When space-time expands, it creates a new vacuum out of nothing. Space-time gets stretched, resulting in more space-time being created. Gravitons are the quantized units of gravity. A gravitational wave permanently changes the structure of space-time. When a gravitational wave passes by, it distorts that space. The energy of a passing gravitational wave creates a change in the gravitational potential; that change in potential distorts space-time, even after the wave has passed.
  • Electromagnetism uses photons to push around particles that possess charge. Gluons act on particles conveyed by the strong force. Electromagnetism, the weak force and the strong force each follow directly from a specific symmetry — a change that changes nothing. Electromagnetism, the weak force, and the strong force follow directly from a particular balance. Gravitons react to themselves. Gravitons have a double copy procedure that serves as a back door. Black holes warp space-time intensely enough to trap light. Spinning black holes drag the warped space-time fabric around with them.
  • Abstract illustration of particles interacting at the quantum level.
  • Everything in the universe is packets of energy. These packets can behave like both a particle and a wave. Quanta of light are photons. The universe is bumpy, not smooth. Planets and stars are collections of atoms, electrons, and bundles of quarks. Our Earth is a lumpy mesh of high and low spots. That’s because gravity is not the same at all points on Earth.
  • Quantum gravity could soon be tested using ultracold atoms – Physics World
  • When math solutions go to infinity (the infinity problem), you add in renormalization math to make infinity go away. Then you deem your new answer to be correct. You now have an infinity workaround, kind of. Renormalization stops working when theoretical gravity particles, called gravitons, enter the scene.
  • A new Approach Could Tease out the Connection Between Gravity and Quantum Mechanics - Universe Today