Higgs Field - Stock Image - C024/4796 - Science Photo Library
  • The Higgs field gives some mass to other fundamental particles such as electrons and quarks. A particle’s mass determines how much it resists changing its speed or position when encountering a force. The Higgs field is a scalar field with a nonzero vacuum expectation value. The Higgs scalar field interacts with a vector field. Together, the quantum particle fields create a density of energy that permeates the universe.
  • Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking | Édouard Brézin | Inference
  • Light waves produce weak gravitational waves, but they add up. Light’s energy drives its oscillation frequency. Light does not have an electric charge. One photon cannot directly interact with another photon.
  • When the electromagnetic field becomes quantized, photons produce gravitational fields. Light is self-propagating. It needs no input to keep it going. Some of it has been traveling for 13.8 billion years. Some of it gets adsorbed along the way. The intensity of light is proportional to the inverse of the square of the distance.
  • Sound cannot travel through space. It needs a medium in which to vibrate.
  • Broken symmetries are the exceptions to symmetry in the universe.
  • The Higgs mechanism spontaneously does symmetry breaking of the gauge symmetry that is associated with the electro-weak force. It separates the electromagnetic and weak forces. The Higgs mechanism is a type of superconductivity that occurs in a vacuum filled with charged particles when that charged field has a nonzero vacuum expectation value.
  • Symmetries determine the shapes and the interactions of particles. These phase transitions cause the emergence of new particles and excitations as they move from the quantum level of physics to the classic level of physics. The conduits are multiple sub-fields. The spontaneous breakdown of supersymmetry occurs rarely. In contrast, we know that an unexpected analysis of internal symmetry triggered by supersymmetry is frequent.Gravitational energy - Wikipedia
  • The energy of particles bends spacetime and causes gravity. Photons with no rest mass but energy will also bend spacetime. Classical electromagnetic fields carry energy and momentum and therefore cause spacetime curvature. The Higgs field forces these newly formed particles to slow down by resiting their acceleration, but, It doesn’t create gravity itself. Everything relates to gravity. Mass attracts and Energy spreads. Mass and energy together act as a source of gravity. Also, mass can show up by symmetry breaking of charged fermions, vector bosons, and the Higgs boson itself via a different mechanism. Gravity appears in large bodies that have many atoms. Gravity is a push force, not a pull force. Dark matter has an attractive gravitational pull, not repulsive.
  • Two forces come from a light beam, one based on momentum transfer, the other based on thermal effects. Light carries momentum that can push on an object, but it can also move an object through thermal forces.
  • The influence of gravitational waves on planetary orbits is small. Gravity is an action-at-a-distance force. Dark energy is the opposite of gravity. The expansion of space affects the motion of all galaxies and gravitational acceleration &/or dark energy.
  • gravitational waves news, articles and features | New Scientist
  • Gravity is not a scalar field. It is more complicated than that. It is a tensor field with a vacuum value of zero. It couples throughout the universe all matter, visible or invisible, with the stress-energy tensor.
  • Most of the mass of matter in the universe comes from the binding energy and not from the masses of the fundamental particles. The Higgs field births mass, then binding takes over.
Nuclear binding energy - Wikipedia