• Eight binary characteristics represent all subatomic particles’ quantum codes and their interactions.
  • We live in a binary universe. There are two fundamental families of particles: the universe’s building blocks, the quarks, and the leptons. Protons and neutrons each contain three quarks. Protons have two up quarks and one down quark. Neutrons have one up quark and two down quarks. Gluons hold quarks together. Gluons are strong nuclear force carriers. Neutrons have an Electron, and Protons do not. Protons repel each other, and neutrons do not. Neutron can decay into a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino. This conserves charge, energy, and momentum.
  • The universe that we live in is an information-based one that simulates reality. Each spacetime particle dynamically develops its next state from the current ones. They source their information from the fundamental level of physics.

The content of the universe.

  • Gravity pulls inward on the fabric of spacetime.
  • Concurrently, the universe started expanding outward faster and faster. How do they do that? By, the negative pressure of dark energy (once it achieved critical mass) to jack up the acceleration rate of space expansion. Where is it hiding? In plain sight. It hangs around with dark matter. You can’t see what you can’t see. The discovery of the fifth fundamental force of nature will explain a lot.
  • Light particles don’t interact with dark energy.
  • ArtStation - fractal dark energy, Heribert Raab
  • The materialist foundation of physics is currently on shaky ground. The distractions of string theory, M- theory, multiverse, parallel universes, etc., waste time, money, and workforce. In the long run, credibility is slip-sliding away.
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics.
  • There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two.
  • The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental physics platform. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear in the classic class, and reality is born. All the information to birth and run a universe moves in this manner. 
  • A cause begets an effect. Every single item within the universe is relative, and nothing is separate. Cause and effect mediate within space and time.
  • Some stars orbit around the center of a galaxy far too quickly. The temperature of the gas inside some galaxy clusters is far too hot. Large structures appeared in our universe far too soon. How do they do that?
  • Either at galactic and cosmological scales, our understanding of the force of gravity is off, or there’s a new ingredient in our universe that exerts a different force. It is a fifth force that controls this cold, dark matter. It operates in a low and slow manner. Neutrinos operate the hot dark matter particles. This stuff is within and without the galaxies. Together, they keep things running smoothly.
  • Theories that protect the two principles of locality and causality are yesterday’s news. However, locality and causality still work on macroscopic scales. Cause and effects travel instantaneously from the fundamental level to the quantum and classic levels in a flash.
  • Top Research Papers On Causal Inference