- Other particles colliding can create axions. Dark matter is axion-based.
- Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) preserves Charge-conjugation Parity symmetry. (CP). The very low-velocity dispersion of cold axions and the extremely weak couplings imply these particles behave as cold collision-free dark matter (CDM). Axions are a zero momentum condensate and make up cold dark matter and a few unknown other particles.
We detect dark matter through gravitational lensing.- WIMP, or weakly interacting massive particles, fit with the theory of supersymmetry.
CP-symmetry particles interchanged with their antiparticle are merely swapping symmetries. Dark matter barely interacts with ordinary baryonic matter and radiation, except through gravity.- Where did all the antimatters go?
- The big bang produced matter and antimatter particles in pairs. When they came into contact, they annihilated one another, leaving behind pure energy. Some of the original antimatter didn’t get annihilated. Today, antimatter appears only in some radioactive decays and in a small fraction of cosmic rays. The matter that remained did the build-out of the universe.
- We can further break protons and neutrons down: they’re both made up of quarks, and Quarks can’t be broken down into smaller components. Quarks are the smallest things known.
- They base quantum field theory on probability. In quantum electromagnetism, two fields exist the electromagnetic field and the electron field. These two fields continuously interact, energy and momentum are transferred, and excitations are created or destroyed.
- There are 17 to 24 unique, fundamental excitations of quantum fields possible. The breakdown is 17 (Standard Model). 24 (Standard Model including all gluon colors).Twelve fermion fields and 12 boson fields.
- (24 + Graviton = 25).
- Graviton (gravity; spacetime curvature).
- Photon (electromagnetism).
- Eight gluons (strong nuclear force).
- W and Z bosons (weak nuclear force).
- Higgs boson.
- Quantum field theory is a generic framework. The electromagnetic field, for example, is a vector field, but the Higgs field is scalar, and quantized gravity is a tensor field.
- Nothing can destroy quantum information (except maybe black holes). The black hole information paradox. In quantum physics, a unitary result always comes back to one.
- Unitary operators preserve a scalar product. This allows for changing from one orthonormal basis to another.
Micro-level (electrons and light waves). Versus macro-level (stars and galaxies).
- Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT), is a modern formulation of lattice gravity, whose aim is to get a theory of quantum gravity from a scaling limit of the lattice-regularized theory.
Gravity runs the show for the universe. Gravity not only pushes on mass but also on light. A gravitational wave is an invisible (yet incredibly fast) ripple in space. Ripples in the pond, and ripples in spacetime, they perform alike. Waves become quantized. Decoherence doesn’t destroy space-time.
- Entanglements connect two spacetime units. Quantum information builds the structure of space. Gravity and space-time emerge from the dynamics of entanglement.
- The spacetime duality of light (wave/particle) produces many bodies on one network. nonlocal entangled systems in a maximally entangled state from a set of nonlocal entangled systems in a partially entangled pure state.
- Quantifying entanglement. Nonlocal entanglement systems interact with partially entangled systems and their subsystems. Subsystems do the work.
- In the end, entropy wins.