• The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones, with a triune interface. The trajectories in the space-time physics model need to be updated to include all three levels of physics. 1st: The fundamental level. 2nd: The quantum level. 3rd: the classic level. (described earlier). 
  • Mostly, the standard model currently being used doesn’t address reality. Too many things just don’t fit. Each law of physics has an information triggering mechanism at the fundamental level of physics.
  • They left out the constructor or fundamental level of physics. The Big Bang resulted from the first cause. We cannot directly observe anything from 380,000 years after the Bang. We can only infer what happened. When we try to go back more, the conditions become so extreme that physics becomes useless. Math can come up with answers by making its equations work. But, we don’t know what caused the Big Bang. Did the Big Bang begin in or out of time? Saying that the original causality began with the Big Bang is a cop-out.
  • 13.7 billion years ago, our universe emerged from a singularity, a point of infinite density. It contained all pre-existing energy. Before this event, space and time did not exist, which means the Big Bang took place at no place and no time. We don’t know where all of that pre-existing stuff came from. Just believe that it is what it is. In a sequence of events within this universe, causality prevails. It is easy to construct mathematical models that are not causal. The universe doesn’t need a first cause to get started. Why is that, you ask? Because we say so.
  • All that we know is that God doesn’t exist. God doesn’t fit into our narrative. We are the smart ones, you’re not.
  •  The constructor function of fundamental physics changes, flows, stores, and transforms information. It selects out the impossible tasks and transformations and offers possibilities to the physical systems. It uses counterfactual knowledge statements. A counterfactual explanation describes a causal situation as “If X had not occurred, Y would not have happened either.” A counterfactual process requires setting up a hypothetical reality that contradicts the observed facts. This process results in the output of the intended design. It is a sequencing recipe that is self-replicating. An error-correcting function is within.
  • This all happens at the fundamental level of physics.
  • Each law of physics generates its own dynamic system from the fundamental level. Each one seeds to quantum mechanical level.
    The Big Bang’s triggering mechanism did likewise.