• A major fundamental change in physics is at hand. Information is the starting point for physics.
  • The principles of causality and locality explain the structure of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and General Relativity. We believe that locality and causality are preserved on the macroscopic scale. It is possible for events to happen without a cause and for effects to travel instantaneously because of the instantaneous quantum entanglement of binary sets of particles.
  • Our view of understanding will switch to one of dialectical inclusiveness. Dialectics and quantum physics are both un-intuitive.
  • Dialectics can oppose formal logic and common sense
  • A dialectics approach to both cosmology and physics leads to new positive knowledge of reality, at a macroscopic level. There can be several effects and causes in one event.
  •  An event has probabilities of many alternate events. These processes are originally time-asymmetric but move towards time-symmetric. It does not predetermine consequent events. The effects of events produce probabilities, ongoing. Probabilistic events can determine future events.
  • Gravity and Energy
  • The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental platform of physics. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic level, and reality is born.
  • 1ST: The fundamental level of physics produces the embryonic mix that births a particle. 
  • 2ND: It then moves to the middle level, the quantum mechanical level, where transformations occur, such as the quantization of gravity
  • 3rd: Upon completion, it moves to the classic physics level to take it onto the reality stage.
  • Gravity locality is different, because it moves up and down, as needed.
  • The electromagnetic force and the strong and weak nuclear forces all originate from the quantum level of physics. Gravity locality is a moving thing. Gravity locality is a different force, because it moves up and down, as needed. Gravity curves space. Gravity is a feature of the space-time medium. The other three forces play out in this space-time stage. It grew gravity on the quantum level of physics. It transferred the gravity embryo from the fundamental level of physics.
  • All quantized units of gravity (gravitons) operate from sub-millimeter scales to cosmological distances. Gravity starts out weak but strengthens to a singularity within a black hole. Gravity influences dark matter as well.
  • The strength of the electric field can change independently. The degrees of freedom are local. Gravity is much weaker than the other three forces. Quantum gravity does not need to respect locality. The number of degrees of freedom for gravity is open-ended.
  • There are spontaneous particle creations and entanglement between states of particles. Also, particles are in a superposition of existence in multiple locations. Entanglement creates connections between distant regions of space-time. The vacuum of space has various fields that are superimposed on top of each other. These fields extend throughout space. These fields are constantly oscillating and interacting, causing the vacuum of space. Particles are minor defects in the vacuum’s structure. Space-time starts out without these defects. The stretching of space-time results in creating more of the vacuum substance.
  • The quantized units of gravity have infinite terms so, renormalization can’t happen. Gravity is unlimited because it never switches off, it is never-ending. The gravitational field cannot behave like a wave function. The gravitational force has physically unique structures. It moves from the fundamental field, through the quantum field, to the classical field, and back again, on a never-ending cycle. 
  • Particles roam the quantum realm in droves. They behave collectively. This causes the macroscopic force of gravity. The same is true of photon particles that emit light via a macroscopic collection of particles.
  • All four forces are quantum exchange particles that are darting from place to place. The graviton is a force-carrying particle that carries the force of gravity. It is a massless spin2 particle. Elementary particles mediate the other three forces so: electromagnetism by the photon, the strong interaction by the gluons, and the weak interaction by the W and Z bosons. These three particles combine to produce a graviton particle to hold things together in a flash.
  • Three are one, one is three, everything else is two.
  • What Are Gravitons? » Science ABC
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