• We have shown experimental quantum entanglement with photons, neutrinos, electrons, molecules as large as buckyballs, and even small diamonds.
  • Wave patterns emanate from the fundamental blueprint level into the quantum level. It moves the information from the fundamental blueprint level to the quantum level. The quantum electrons carry the received coded data to the classical level. The quantum wave function draws its instructions from the fundamental blueprint level. This quantum wave function can go up and down within all three levels of physics, and it can also move between now, the past, and the future.
  • Reality also exists on three levels: consensus reality, dreamland reality, and structural reality. (Perceived, imaged, and actual).
  • Particle interactions create a pair of remotely entangled particles.
  • The entangled pair produces a single wave function with opposing spins.
  • It goes from a superposition to a wave collapse that results in a singular particle. (This process can be reversed when required).
  • All things are triune, with binary inter-actives.
  • Quantum entanglement is the fundamental building block of the universe. Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described regarding each other, even though the individual objects are nonlocal. It is possible to prepare two particles in a single quantum state such that when one is observed to be spin up, we will always observe the other one to be spin-down and vice versa. However, it is impossible to predict they will see which set of measurements according to quantum mechanics.
  • Quantum reality: Quantum particles such as atoms and molecules have an uncanny ability to appear in two places at once, spin clockwise and anticlockwise, or instantaneously influence each other when they are half a universe apart.
  • We can only perceive subjective reality, and objective reality isn’t available to us, and our point of view limits our perception of reality. Suppose you accept that there are four types of truth; objective, normative, subjective, and complex truth. Subjective truth is in the mind’s eye that is doing the beholding.