Characteristics of life
  • Emergent properties: The act or process of emerging. The appearance of new properties or species in development or evolution. Examples of emergent behavior are everywhere around us: birds flocking, fireflies synchronizing, ants colonizing, fish schooling, individuals self-organizing into neighborhoods in cities, all with no leaders or central control.  Emergent behavior is the behavior of a system that does not depend on its parts, but on their relationships with one another. Thus, emergent behavior cannot be predicted by examination of a system’s parts.
What is Emergence? Ask the Ants - Cool Kid Problems
  • Incommensurable:  Different scientific theories may be incommensurable because of conceptual variance.
  • Neither science nor rationality are final measurements of excellence. They are relative to the time of promulgation. The absolute truth shows up in the long run.  You’ll know it when you see it.  The informational nature of consciousness bridges the chasm between the aim and subjective. Scientists and philosophers try daily to open wide the doors of perception. Some succeed, most don’t. Philosophical inquiries need to be grafted onto the investigations of science. The process used by both should be math validated. Conceptual engineering will do the rest. Conclusions, for now combined disciplines, should be based on a foundation of conceptual engineering. The subsequent findings will then be validated by math. (up to where math runs out of talent). Things then must be settled by a simple leap of faith. Rationality has its limits. Our consciousness, is not all-knowing; get over yourself.
  • The holistic structural connectivity of our consciousness is connected to the universal consciousness grid. It’s a tracking device and a storage device.
  • Science and philosophy must be separated from the state, just like religion.  Bureaucrats have no place in either discipline. Church and state are constitutionally separated, Science and Philosophy should also be constitutionally separated.
  • 1.1 Emergent Properties - YouTube
  • The brain’s information network is a math-based analysis of the stream-of-consciousness input packets being experienced—the parameters and rules governing the transmission of messages through the brain’s communication systems.
  • A science-philosophy paradigm shift is upon us.
  • We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.  We all are the universe observing itself.
  • We are the tour guides of the universe: Through our eyes; the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.
  • Incommensurability is rampant in the scientific community: If a scientist is too deeply embedded and invested in a specific conceptual framework, worldview, or paradigm, they cannot understand the reasoning of an outsider scientist, constrained by their paradigm.  Wrong-headed is as wrong-headed does.
  • The years and money wasted on God workarounds (string  & M theories, etc.).  The math worked, but the reality did not.  Holding on to what isn’t there is a fool’s errand.
  • Scientific and philosophical scotomas abound.
  • Fig. 14.3
  • Supersymmetry is real.
  • Supersymmetry is an elegant novel symmetry relating the matter particles (fermions) to the force-carrying particles (bosons). For supersymmetry to work, each matter fermion and gauge boson must have its super symmetric partner.
  • Higher-dimensional space-time is not.
  • The universe, from day one, has been driven by an innate ordering force of ever-higher levels of computation that results in emergent complexity.
  • Breathtaking coincidences in the universe aren’t coincidences at all. They are a part of the plan.
  • Quasiparticle dynamics and spin–orbital texture of the SrTiO 3 two-dimensional electron gas | Nature Communications
  • The nature of reality is unknown to the human mind, our perception is limited in scope. A fictional reality is on top on top of our aim reality.
  • Ontology is the branch of philosophy that studies concepts such as existence, being, becoming, and reality.  Ultimate reality is something that is the supreme, final, and fundamental power in all reality. Reality is a fixed factor in the equation of life, perception of reality is a variable.