Some Newish Takes on Mind-Body Dualism The representational–hierarchical view of pattern separation: Not just hippocampus, not just space, not just memory? - ScienceDirect
  • We are islands in the stream of consciousness:
  • Consciousness originates at the quantum level.  It is the driver of the classical physics consciousness system. It expressed the connection conduit in a neural matrix that sets up a global coherence.  This coherent neural global matrix violates the superposition principle.  It delivers our fundamental consciousness’ perceptions of reality.  Our consciousness is fundamental.
  • Consciousness is sentience or awareness of internal and external existence. It is private thought, imagination, and volition. This includes experience, cognition, and feelings.  It can reference past and present events and assess probable future events. Consciousness is a spectrum with ordinary awareness at one end and more profound understanding types at higher levels. Getting to and staying on the higher levels of awareness is the objective of known thought.
  • Is The Mind-Body Problem A Problem At All? - Humanity Upgrade Education
  •  There are three different levels of human consciousness:
  • .1st: Regular consciousness.  2nd: Self Consciousness.  3rd: Cosmic Consciousness…..
  • All things are triune, with binary interactives.
  • To think is to be. We perceive this on all three levels.  
  • We are islands in the stream of consciousness:
  • Our every thought is copied and stored off-site.
  • The Rapidly Developing Field of Neuroprosthetics - MedicalExpo e-Magazine
  1. Every thought tends to be part of personal consciousness.
  2. Within each personal consciousness, thought is constantly changing.
  3. Within each personal consciousness, thought is sensibly continuous.
  4. It always appears to deal with objects independent of itself.
  5. It is interested in some parts of these objects to the exclusion of others.  
  6. What on Earth Happened to the Soul? - Owlcation
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