• Science and Christianity need to tear down the walls of segregation. Modern science started in lockstep with Christianity. They were both scientists and theists.
  • Things changed, starting in the 1800s and starting n the mid-1800s when Draper and White wrote books on the warfare between science and Christendom. They’re over-simplified and distorted Christian theology war machine was very successful. The expansive intellectual forces of the sciences were far superior to the superstitions of Christianity. They were hugely successful as popularizers and proselytizers. They had standing, and they had power. They were academics, so they converted the teachers of advanced studies. The die was cast. Science and the education systems divorced themselves from religious thought and endeavored to worship at the altar of science.
  • Marx and Engels kicked off their materialistic communism in the 1850s. No god is its central tenant.
  • A little later, Darwin came along and sealed the deal. The devil had won the battle because Christianity wanted to nice everybody to death. So the battle was over, but the war went on.
  • Truth is the aim of both sides. Adversarial combat benefits no one.
  • The least common denominator has a significant voice in Christianity. That is very harmful to Christianity. The media uses that as a sledgehammer against Christianity. Unfortunately, Christianity has no plan to counteract the media’s bias.
  • The media destroy the Christian point of view with malice and prejudice. They have the megaphone and know how to use it against Christianity. They will mock and scorn you into submission. Fundamentalism is a flaw on both sides of the aisle. Faith can be flawed, and reason can be flawed Fundamentalists on both sides take the position of: “Don’t question me, I couldn’t possibly be wrong.” God is on your side, or reason is on your side, free to choose. Unfortunately, the truth escapes many of the conclusions on both sides.
  • The repository of knowledge is a developmental work in process, individually and collectively.
  • Jesus said: “Many people called Me Lord, but I didn’t know them because they were workers of iniquity.”
  • Self-assess to ensure that He isn’t referencing you.  
  • Christianity should let the Bible speak when it does and not speak when it doesn’t. Currently, the Bible is translated to over 690 languages and selling over 100 million copies each year. Unfortunately, a lot is muddied up and lost in transition. The segments of Christianity that push the inerrancy of the Bible do much harm to Christianity.
  • .These translations have been going on for almost two thousand years. If you think that self-interest didn’t enter into some of the early translations, think again. The message was shaped, at times, to fit the need. Control was the objective. The Bible remains the Word of God, don’t overthink the current narrative. The principles are still intact.
  • The hellfire and domination style of preaching needs to go away. It is counterproductive, at best. Acting as the designated gatekeeper is also unacceptable.
  • The scams of speaking in tongues, going into the throne room, handling snakes, selling access and forgiveness, send me the money, and you will get rich, I speak directly for God et al., will put you on His no-go list.
  • The emphasis should be on explaining the deal and how to do the deal. You are the messenger.
  •  The physical world is all that exists. Nothing is supernatural.
  • For many, arrogant intractability sets in on both sides. False choices abound.
  • The religion of materialism: Materialism believes that all facts causally depend on physical processes or even reducible. Materialism is monism that holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature. Therefore, all things, including mental states and consciousness, result from material interactions. Scientistic materialism is a stance that posits a definition of consciousness observable and subject to the scientific method. Humans are animals who inhabited a universe ruled by purely impersonal forces and the forces of biology, chemistry, and the environment dictated whose behavior. The document states that materialism inevitably leads to moral relative and denounces its stifling dominance. Marx and Engels both emphasized how science moves rationally from induction to deduction, from analysis to synthesis, concrete to the abstract, and back again. Only physical matter and its motions are fundamental. A god doesn’t exist. Marxism’s historical materialism is a sociological method, while dialectical materialism refers to the more general, abstract philosophy underlying Marx and Engels’ body of work.
  • Nihilism is always around. Nihilism is the belief that values are meaningless. Nothing can be known. It isn’t very optimistic. It’s a radical view. It condemns existence.
  •  A nihilist believes in nothing, has no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy.
  • Atheists. Too: Seven percent of the world claim to be atheists. Seven percent in America. China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Cuba are atheist countries.
  • The media stirs the pot at all times. They fan the flames of conflict 24/7. They always have materialism as the winner by drawing spurious conclusions couched in dismissive language. The media doesn’t do nuance and minimal context.
  • Supernaturalism must be scorned, rebuked, and vilified. Only nature exists. Devine causality is a fairy tale for fools. Natural selection and random genetic variations drove the process of life. What could be wrong with that statement? Purposeful intent has nothing to do with it. Causality is an unguided evolutionary process; It randomly showed up within a primordial soup that kicked life into existence.
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