Weak Force or Weak Nuclear Force
- Our particle zoo is incomplete; we are still missing the particles that make up dark energy and dark matter. Also, the graviton is only kinda nailed down. In science and elsewhere, the rest of the story stays locked in the closet until the rest of the story is solved or not.
- For example, We know what happened to the superstar who wrote and recorded: “ROCKING AROUND WITH OLLIE B.” On the day that the music died.
- However, we don’t know what happened to Ollie B. Science has many Ollie Bs in their closet.
- Dark matter and dark energies are the yin and yang of the cosmos. Dark matter produces an attractive force (gravity), while dark energy produces a repulsive force (antigravity).
- The familiar material of the universe, known as baryonic matter, is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Dark matter may be made of baryonic or non-baryonic matter. To hold the elements of the universe together, dark matter must make up approximately 80% percent of the universe. A theoretical particle that adapts to its surroundings could explain the accelerating expansion of our universe. Our universe grows a little bigger every day. This stuff is dark energy, but scientists know little else besides its apparent pushing effect in the cosmos.
- We know who wrote the song, but the cord changes escape us. Perfect pitch and hearing the cord changes in your head doesn’t help much either. Beyond our ken comes to mind.
- Fermions have anti-particles which are kinda like particles traveling backward in time. The fine-tuning constant keeps a steady course. The electromagnetic field interactions keep the results orderly. Crossing symmetries abound and abide. The Higgs boson field produces virtual and fundamental particles. Particles that are constantly winking in and out of existence. Bosons can interact with one another. Fermions can’t do that. Gluons interact with quarks.
- Scaler Bosons: The Higgs boson is an elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics produced by the quantum excitation of the Higgs field, one of the fields in particle physics theory. In the Standard Model,
- Gauge and Higgs Bosons: the Higgs particle is a massive scalar boson with zero spin, no electric charge, and no color charge.
- The gauge and Higgs Bosons: Gauge bosons are the particles responsible for transmitting the forces that control how the matter particles interact. The Higgs boson is
- slightly different; it interacts with elementary matter particles to give them their mass. All known gauge bosons have a spin of 1; for comparison, the Higgs boson has spin-zero. Therefore, all known gauge bosons are vector bosons.
- W & Z bosons: The W boson is a fundamental particle. Together with the Z boson, it is responsible for the weak force, one of four fundamental forces that govern the behavior of matter in our universe. Particles of matter interact by exchanging these bosons, but only over short distances. Z particle, massive electrically neutral carrier particle of the weak force that acts upon all known subatomic particles.
- All particles with integer spins are bosons, and all particles with half-integer spins are fermions. Photons have a spin of 1, which means they are bosons. A photon has spin 1. Therefore it is a boson.
- Hadrons are particles that feel a strong nuclear force, whereas leptons are particles that do not. The proton, neutron, and pions are examples of hadrons. The electron, positron, muons, and neutrinos are examples of leptons, the name meaning low mass.